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Retired commercial construction estimator with silver hair. Ha. Patriot all the way.
Retired commercial construction estimator with silver hair. Ha. Patriot all the way.
Karen Kingston info on biopharma us companies working with ccp military. Unconventional warfare.

Pfizer submitted FDA clinical data that was conducted by China's Academy of Military Medical Science. Eli Lilly is currently partnering with China's Airforce Medical University on a FDA trial.
karenkingston.substack.comDr Andy Woods on prophecy update. Great info. Smart guy.

@timomalum DEW weapons in use.
@DiamondTNT wow
Good information on war in Israel.
I opened brighteon social on my laptop instead of ipad. Now i can message and it is not so sluggish. In new update requires more brains and power. ill bet a lot of others are having trouble because of this.
Where did the mafia go? Ck out.

I interviewed Whitney Webb regarding her newest book, 'One Nation Under Blackmail.' Listen to our entire conversation for free here.
takecontrol.substack.comGenesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Do you see the triune God here?
Neither does the Jew….irony at its finest.
God (Elohim) is plural) but “created” is singular. The verb must agree with the noun…just a rule, so we see the triune Presence here, jointly working in creation.
This is supported in the New Testament as the original creation fell into a chaotic state:
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Genesis 1:26a
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:……
“Us” and “our” refer to
You should be able to see man’s triune nature is the “image” of God, busted by sin….until regeneration restores this image (a working, functional spirit)
Anybody else having trouble getting on ?
@HealthRanger Thank you for today's podcast (8-21). I want to say that satan's goal is to usurp God. He is trying to destroy humans because we have a savior in Jesus Christ and the fallen angles and their offspring from humans do not. That said God said in Isaiah 13:12
I will make people more rare than fine gold, and mankind than the gold of Ophir.
So it is possible that God is using the globalist to do this.
I have said to you the things you say about God and eternal life are wrong. You talk a works salvation just like the Pharisees whom Jesus said were lost.
The truth is unless you have a saving relation with Jesus Christ you will spent eternity in hell no matter how good you are or think you are. I pray for you daily that God will open your eyes to understand the true gospel for your sake and also for the people you are leading astray to damnation. Read John 6-37.
Billy Sunday (1862-1935)
“Some people have a deeper conviction of sin before they are converted than after they are converted. With some it is the other way. Some know when they are converted and others don't. Some people are emotional. Some are demonstrative. Some will cry easily. Some are cold and can't be moved to emotion. A man jumped up in a meeting and asked whether he could be saved when he hadn't shed a tear in forty years. Even as he spoke he began to shed tears. It's all a matter of how you're constituted.”
I am really frustrated with this new update. Trying to reply it is super slow. Slow in general as well. Hope it get fixed because It’s a great for information and different opinions.
Clay Martin info for self defense.
Our current situation, as the wise men say, is not bueno. And it’s going to get worse. I have a vested interest in the survival of my people, and this website is my contribution to those ends. Upfront…
Clay Martin DefenseThis update is super SLOW. Is it just my iPad? Anybody else having problems?
NATO controlling US navy? Very disturbing and devastating.

Has a non-U.S. citizen, a military general from France, now taken over command of the U.S. Navy under NATO? French General Philippe Lavigne was appointed to the post of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation…
Dr. Chuck Missler (1934–2018)
This coming world leader will be the ultimate fraud; using misdirection, disinformation, and all manner of deceit to establish his dominion. He apparently gains control of the electronic funds transfer mechanisms which yields him economic control. In fact, virtually the entire world will be deceived and enslaved without remedy or hope. There are many who believe he is alive today.
If your well trained with sound mind
I'm all for concealed FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS
"Real Hero of the Day": Armed Citizen Shot and Killed Man With Rifle Who Was Shooting People at Indiana Mall Food Court: Police; Victims: 3 Killed, 2 Wounded