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Husband. Father. Patriot. Vet
Husband. Father. Patriot. Vet
So now [they] are banning water filters or buying them all so the public can’t. @HealthRanger , how hard would it be to build an emergency water filter from household or easily obtained items? Add CDS since it’s still available and make water potable and of decent taste? Video that and test the water in your lab (including showing us the failures)?
So where I work, I have started bringing my "second chancers" on board. Guys and Gals coming from an addiction program or rehabilitated from legal trouble. These are my hardest workers, they've been to Hell and back and are excited to be given a second chance (hence the nickname). One thing I've found recurring in these folks, they claim that when they hit their lowest point, God found them. I disagree. God never lost them, it was they who lost Him. They simply needed to open their eyes, ears and hearts. Once they started listening, he pulled them from the depths.
So many today need to start listening, He has the answers, all of them. I will say that I love sharing encouraging meme's with them, usually about His glory...and they're usually a bit surprised that I'm a grumpy old Vet! LOL
Listened to yesterdays HRR this morning. What am interesting idea. Take a garden tub, install thin corrosion resistant plates on the sides and run sound through them at a range above human hearing but less violent than ultrasonic cleaners. Submersion sound frequency healing… @HealthRanger if I had the capital I’d be trying this out!
@resistancechics can't wait to catch up on what I missed. Listened to your interview with @HealthRanger and loved it! It's amazing how watching/listening to all these patriots keeps leading me to more voices in the darkness :)
@HealthRanger - where do I find elecampane root and how would I use it to restore breathing? There are of course a number of things (primarily bad habits) that I'm doing as well, but getting the lungs cleansed and breathing restored is paramount. Is this something that you sell at the store?
for those that still eat Fritos (for real, what's in that stuff), save your stale ones and vacuum seal them, they make FANTASTIC fire starters. Easy to light and they burn longer than you might think.
Thank you @HealthRanger for giving me a riveting and terrifying podcast listen this morning! LOL
@NaturalNews That was a FANTASTIC interview with Mel K! Anyone that didn't hear it needs to listen to the Situation Update from yesterday
Can't wait to see diagrams of how to do the coils and the 4 AA batteries, that was pretty cool. My question, however, is what would be the wattage output from it? I get 750 volts, but how many watts or amps would that produce? A lamp doesn't use a terrific amount, but I would love to see something like that scaled up, wattage tested, etc., see what else could be done with it.
Sorry...geeked out there for a minute.
Watching the interviews with David W.? Amazing, got me to look up the rest of David's work on Brighteon.
@DiamondTNT Thanks! Everyone should watch this. This is what it takes to be a patriot
@HealthRanger wow, now THAT last update was indeed dark! Hopefully your animal issues have settled down! If indeed there is a red wave for the mid-terms, people can go back and listen to that episode to see what happens next...
@terrytrent guess "F around and find out" isn't just for us patriots...LOL!!!!
@HealthRanger The blood clot findings were phenomenal! Now, can that thing be "reanimated" by placing it in human blood and placed into the appropriate environment (atmospheric pressure, temperature, blood nutrient levels, etc.)? Or does it "die" upon removal? Would be easy to get a PPM / PPB measurement of the conductive materials in the original blood, place in the environment and re-test the blood and then the clot.
If it "reanimates", can you then take a small piece of the clot, re-introduce it to that environment, will it then grow again? That would mean that if you were able to get rid of the clots early on, if you didn't absolutely get 100% of it, then it starts over and you'd be going through the process all over again.
Just a thought. The entire thing is fascinating and terrifying at the same time.
@HealthRanger Fantastic situation update! With the piece on the IRS agent training, I pose a different theory. The jokers that were shown (going to be a LOT of thumb injuries to those that survive the AD's from flagging), were chosen for their unique incompetence. You send armed folks like that to a patriot's house and they start acting stupid. One of these IRS jokes accidently discharges their weapon. Patriots bail and grab guns to defend themselves, wouldn't be hard for someone to use their glock to remove every threat in the house without incurring injury (these guys couldn't hit a paper bag from the inside). So now what happens? That patriot has just murdered multiple federal agents. Proving the left's point that we're terrorists, giving them ammunition to enhance operations. They're creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Anyone wanna tell me that the shooter at the FBI Field Office (if he was even that at all) was a coincidence? FBI does something to get patriots riled up. News parrots all the same narratives about QAnons (which don't exist) and patriots screaming for civil war -----POOF-----shooter.
Hey, ass-clowns, Patriots are A) not that freaking stupid and B) already saw this coming...
OK, I'm a Quality Operations Manager for a Medical Distribution Facility. Products are primarily bandages (think burn dressings, things like that, not the 4 year old booboo bandages), topical creams and cleaners, burn dressings and ointments and medical devices like negative pressure pumps, etc. We're receiving a LOT of freight on a regular basis from all over the country and imports from all over the world, upwards of 200+ pallets a day every day (average is 100). That would make one think that the supply chain is coming back online. Here's the problem, nothing's going out. Our outbound volumes (foreign and domestic) have tanked. People didn't stop requiring medical aid, what's happening?
Here's something to ponder. The White House claimed they didn't know about the raid. OK. Then that means the FBI ran something covertly, and as many don't realize, there aren't a lot of idiots in the rank and file FBI. They KNEW they wouldn't find anything. The bullshit paper in the toilet? Just covers their asses.
But now, guess what? When we take back over, the precedent has been set. No Democrat can scream about injustice when Obama and Clinton's houses are raided.
What the FBI just did, was make this that much easier very very soon.
Don't know it, just an interesting rabbit hole...
while I can't disagree with @hippiegirl692002 , consider the alternative. He could have stopped the election, Pence could have sent it back to the states for investigation. But then what? He gets 4 more years in office and things are hunky dory...and no one learns anything, the DS gets to prepare more, you don't have the 100's and 100's of child traffickers going to prison, etc. Pence certifying put the DS in a panic, so they changed the rules so the VP was only ceremonial in certifying when Biden is ousted, the VP can't kick it back. People are waking up in droves thanks to the DS being allowed to run rampant, they're exposing themselves on the daily and people are seeing it. I'm not privy to any "plan", but as former military, I hope for the best and expect the worst. Trust in the Lord, but load your guns.
@HealthRanger just listened to the latest situation update and have a point of disagreement. I can’t believe that anyone who took the vaccine will be refused in God’s kingdom. Those that knew about its effects, made it, etc yes. But not those who were duped by it. I never got it, but I think God loves too much to issue eternal damnation for being tricked. The shot can only change a person, not a soul.