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@DiamondTNT You're most welcome. I understand about comparing Bibles. I've been doing some of that since I began studying Revelation. I now have around 20 on my computer, in 'The Word' program, but I've since gone basically to only three to five open all the time for most study time. I use CJB, Coverdale, HRB, TS2009, mostly, and have a KJV for reference, since that's what I began with, and a Geneva Bible. There are many, many, many, that I haven't even tried yet... too many for the time I have remaining.
There's a folder on my computer titled "The Great Deception" with 9 articles in it, that I began writing several years ago, about how some lying scribes began working for the great deceiver to mislead the Church. Sometimes I wish I hadn't studied so much. But it's a blessing to know that HE is still in control, regardless of the enemy's shenanigans. Blessings to you. OD
@COSMOSUNIVERSE The Israel you don't know is written in The Scriptures. This man that wrote the book is not God's man. Read The Words of The Creator: "Bless Israel, I will bless you. Curse Israel, and I will curse you." If you are a gentile, think of who you are in God's eyes: a sojourner. The Bible was written to Jews, by Jews, and for Jews. And then there are the 'sojourners', who have 'camped' with them. If you belong to Jesus (Yahshua) you are 'sojourning' with HIM, and you have become 'the seed of Abraham' (Gal 3:29)... meaning you have been 'adopted' into the family. Be careful about bad-mouthing the Apple of God's Eye.
@DiamondTNT Agreed. Until the voting machines are all gone, there will never be an election that isn't fraudulent. JMO.
@DiamondTNT Ditto, me. I just listened to this vid you posted. I don't know. Troy Black sounds like he's more sincere than others that I've heard in the past. I really do like the way he worded all of his explanation about his hearing the Father. And I liked his prayer at the end. I will listen to some more of his vids and let our Father lead me.
I normally don't listen to "prophets" on YTube. I just don't think that many of them are real. One thing I came to realize over 20 years ago when I dove headfirst into the Book of Revelation: I must pray that the Holy Spirit will teach me Truth and keep the devil from interferring with what I learn, every time I open The Scriptures. And then I have to pay attention to what HE leads me to believe about what I just read --- if it all fits into context, both historically and currently, with the rest of Scripture, I can then take it to the bank. If it doesn't fit into context with the rest of Scripture, then I must have allowed something else to interfere with what I was learning from the Spirit. That's just me...
@DiamondTNT I am one who believes that we are closer to the return of Yahshua (Jesus) than anyone can possibly know. The signs are right. The Book of Revelation is coming to pass. We are at this time in The Beginning of Birth Pangs of the Return of Yahshua haMashiach (Jesus the Messiah).
@DiamondTNT, There are a lot of real doctors out there that are saying the shedding is getting worse. And that the venoms are even now in our water! But there are ways to alleviate getting the disease. True Ionic Colloidal Silver in nano-size particles, just 10ppm volume, in a daily reference dose of 1oz has kept my wife an myself from getting it, even when we've been around other people that have Covid.
Plus - there is a book out now that was written by Dr Thomas Levy, called Curing The Incurable. It is an amazing book, that will astound you when you read of all the toxins, poisons, and viral diseases and bacterial diseases that Mega Doses of Vitamin C will totally cure. The mega doses I'm talking about are upwards of around 700mg per kilogram of body weight, given intravenously, and at the same time in combination with bowel-tolerance doses of Vitamin C orally. Think of this: Polio, completely cured by vitamin c intravenously, without any remaining muscular problems. That's just one. Plus, taken orally, Liposomal Vitamin C is just about as effective as the intravenous. Dr Levy's book will also give you a greater insight into the problems with the Medical establishment today.
Just some ideas...