Point of the spear baby. Over-comer, Over-achiever, in this epic battle of good against evil I try and have been a voice for many of our people who for some reason cannot speak out for themselves. They have many varied reasons, ie: stuff to lose, lack of understanding or lack the courage to stand up for what is right. God has made me fearless. I am a 65 year old Canadian and have been awake for 52 years (maybe more).
Point of the spear baby. Over-comer, Over-achiever, in this epic battle of good against evil I try and have been a voice for many of our people who for some reason cannot speak out for themselves. They have many varied reasons, ie: stuff to lose, lack of understanding or lack the courage to stand up for what is right. God has made me fearless. I am a 65 year old Canadian and have been awake for 52 years (maybe more).