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Acidophilus flourish in the small intestine where they assist in the production of enzymes and stimulate enzyme activity, thus enhancing more efficient assimilation of nutrients. Acidophilus produce acidophilin, a natural antibiotic substance; lactase, the enzyme responsible for digesting lactose (a milk sugar); certain B-complex vitamins, including B1, B2, B12 (acidophilus are the most plentiful source of B12), biotin and folic acid; and vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and for the production of osteocalcin, the primary protein component of bone.
Acidophilus inhibit the overgrowth of harmful intestinal microorganisms, such as Candida albicans and the putrifactive or coliform bacteria which cause flatulence and putrification in the colon. Acidophilus create an acidic environment which is intolerable to such “undesirables,” and outperform these microorganisms in the competition for food sources and living space in the colon. Dr. John Parks Trowbridge, author of The Yeast Syndrome, is an advocate of probiotic supplementation in the fight against Candida albicans overgrowth.
Acidophilus protect the intestinal mucosa, prevent constipation and diarrhea, enhance bowel elimination, as well as aid digestion, assist in metabolizing calcium, provide essential nutrients for building the blood, control the buildup of serum cholesterol, and stimulate the body’s immune system by assisting white blood cells in fighting disease-causing pathogens.
April 11 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
10:31 am
Macro Trends: Pattern Change
We are clearly witnessing another change in pattern. If you have been watching this log, you know pattern changes happen every 3 to 6 months, toughly.
The new pattern is that we are getting no discrete plumes after the final late-night plume that hits us between 1 am and 2 am. That's the good news. The bad news is that they layering through the night keeping intensity consistently higher.
This should be no surprise as the entire spraying program in our area has been moving away from discrete plumes and towards constant layering. This enables them to use very short, or not-visible trails keeping the sky cleaner raising less flags in the public's mind.
Macro Trends: Mercury
They have been using a tremendous amount of mercury for approaching 2 weeks now. If they want to break relationships, induces depression and chaos, and exhaust and sicken the public, there is no method more effective than inducing mercury toxicity.
Nevertheless, the recent rise in types that contain strong mercury may be from the use of the Drywall Dust type that is increasingly used before and during precipitation, which we have had a lot of lately. It's raining a little as I type this.
See Mercury Induced Illness
So, last night there were no discrete plumes. Intensity was stronger than usual. Intensity was pretty consistent throughout the night hovering between intensity
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August 10
We had another milder-than-usual night of spraying with an unusually steady intensity of 7.75- throughout the night. This is unusual because we had no discrete plumes, just steady medium-low intensity poison all night without changes. The air contained the typical toxic types: Model Cement, Chalky-Bitter-Pharma, Copper, Inflammatory, and Mercury.
11:48 am
We have been hit with 2 discrete plumes this morning:
1. Just before 6 am we were hit with a non-typical plume containing the Barium and Metallic-Chemical types. Intensity rose at a medium-fast rate and peaked at intensity 8.75 at about 6:25 am. This also contained the Inflammatory and Mercury components. We have not experienced the Metallic-Chemical plume type in quite a while. The Barium type is being used because we have incoming precipitation.
2. At about 7 am
The Entire Log -
Recently (May-July 2023), the "Model Cement/Burnt Plastic" chemtrail type has been sprayed at an intensity that is unprecedented historically reaching intensity level 10 daily. The flood of mainstream news articles now coming out are clearly providing a cover story for the unprecedented chemtrail intensity we have been witnessing. Chemtrail/Geoengineering News Forums Conferences.
globalskywatch.comRobert Kennedy Says He Will Never Do An Interview Like This Again (see 2h48m)
The Most Dangerous Place To Live
Video of Hydrogel and Artificial Biology in CV-Vax - Cutting-Edge Remedies Alternative News, Information, Public Forums.
orbisvitae.comPost Jab Blood Imagery Pre and Post Treatment: Clots, Graphene, Hydrogel, Toxic Metals, Nanoparticles Alternative News, Information, Public Forums.
orbisvitae.comAn in-depth interview with Russ Tanner of Global Skywatch covering a wide range of subjects.
Big-tech censorship: How bad it is.
Global crimes against humanity.
What happened to common sense?
Why people avoid truth.
Would the government intentionally hurt you?
Is it healthy to believe what you want? The danger of emotionalism.
The U.S. is in a state of emergency and has been for decades... Why?
Why people don't want truth.
World War III comes after the public is disarmed. This has been planned for decades.
90% of shootings happen in gun-free zones. Are pubic shootings pre-planned by globalists?
Blood clots and heart attacks: Fauci lied to Congress and the entire world.,Crypt-Rick.html Chemtrail/Geoengineering News Forums Conferences.
globalskywatch.comWe had a great conversation. This Spokesmodel is telling the truth about what is happening above our heads.
Nicolette has worked as a Professional Spokesmodel across the USA for 20 years. She has used her public image as a platform to advocate awareness of the increasing climate engineering and solar radiation blocking that is happening on a daily basis. In 2018 she worked with Maxim magazine on a worldwide fundraiser while publicly promoting her passion for this. The audience was exposed to up to 9 million people. Since this and many other publications that she has done, the awareness of weather engineering has increased. Chemtrail/Geoengineering News Forums Conferences.
globalskywatch.comWrong Belief Equals Mental Illness
Many experience physical and emotional symptoms that occur at the same time as a metallic taste in their mouth. Considering the fact that chemtrails cause a metal taste in sensitive people and that the mercury in chemtrails induces emotional symptoms as well, there are some very interesting implications we all need to be aware of.
"Stranded Bear" Picture Supporting Global Warming Is A Hoax Alternative News, Information, Public Forums.