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I live in West Virginia and love the simpler way of country life. I'm surrounded by beautiful mountains, streams and abundant wildlife. West Virginia has the nicest people that you will ever meet, the most helpful, and the kindest. Neighbors driving by always smile and wave. These people have the warmest hearts. This is some things that make me proud to be a West Virginian.
My main interests are natural health, gardening and sharing what I've learned.
I live in West Virginia and love the simpler way of country life. I'm surrounded by beautiful mountains, streams and abundant wildlife. West Virginia has the nicest people that you will ever meet, the most helpful, and the kindest. Neighbors driving by always smile and wave. These people have the warmest hearts. This is some things that make me proud to be a West Virginian.
My main interests are natural health, gardening and sharing what I've learned.
In this snippet from this week’s episode of The Alex Jones Show 2.0, Alex Jones breaks down the World Economic Forum’s plan to poison the food supply.
I would suggest adding Health Ranger's Chlorella to your daily regime. I'm also doing Global Healing Heavy Metal & Chemical Cleanse.
Dr. Jane Ruby shows you how the toxic mono and Diglyceride spray called Apeel is made using heavy metals to conduct the process for what the public is told is a fruit and vegetable preservative, but is now believed to be a program of heavy metal poisoning on an unsuspecting public; And you will see how the FDA is helping the company hide it, little disclosure and no informed consent. Apeel cannot be washed off, rubbed off or scraped off, it is invisible and most states do not require a label for the consumer!
Once organic produce is contaminated with Apeel's chemicals, it ceases to be organic!
This is from the FDA GRAS Notice...
"Apeel Sciences provides specifications for monoglyceride (≥ 91%) and diglyceride (≤ 7%) levels as well as limits for ethyl acetate (≤ 100 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg)), acetonitrile (≤ 5 mg/kg), toluene (≤ 5 mg/kg), hexane (≤ 25 mg/kg), and individual heavy metals (including Lead (≤ 1 mg/kg), Palladium (≤ 3 mg/kg) and Arsenic (≤ 0.2 mg/kg)), in the finished product."

Monoglycerides are GRAS for use as a surface-finishing agent and/or texturizer to protect freshness and extend shelf-life of agricultural products.
www.fda.govPodcast (24 min) URGENT INFO: How to DETOX from DIOXIN exposure - share this everywhere
This is hilarious. Alex Stein is out-meming Alex Jones on the Alex Jones set at the Infowars studios today. Makes me wish I would have driven down there to see this in person... can't stop laughing. AlexStein99 is the ultimate trolling master:

“We Can’t Let the Globalists Win!” article) - PLANNED STARVATION: Grain deliveries by rail to be partially HALTED, devastating dairy herds and meat operations nationwide

Today's Situation Update podcast (see below) reveals worrisome new intel that describes Joe Biden's "controlled demolition" of the US food supply as a means to deliberately cause food scarcity, panic and…
www.naturalnews.comThis is hilarious. Was circulating on Telegram:
The five stages of grief are:
1) denial
2) anger
3) bargaining
4) depression
5) paying in rubles
The People’s Convoy is Heading to California to fight for us!
These dangerous bills are about to be voted on in the California legislature! If passed, these bills will change everything for people who want to Live, Work or Learn in the State of CA while exercising their right to medical freedom.
If passed, these bills set the stage for other states to introduce similar laws... This affects everyone!
Situation Update, Feb 14, 2022 - SOURCE: China releasing bioweapon during olympic games; natural molecules may BLOCK the deadly protein
- This podcast covers the list of natural plant-based molecules found in common GROCERY produce which may block the "CD38" glycoprotein associated with this bioweapon mortality.
Mike, I was wondering if it is possible to have an edit link for our posts so we can correct typos after it's posted?
Thanks for all the words of support today. Aside from my voice not being usable right now, I'm doing fine. No emergency. The ivermectin worked like a charm, and I've been using chlorine dioxide as well as a number of herbs. Seems to have done the trick. Now I just need to wait for my voice to recover so I can resume the podcasts. Thank you for your prayers! But seriously, I'm not in any danger zone or anything. More like an "annoyance" zone.
JUST POSTED: My bombshell interview with Dr. Lee Merritt, covering covid vaccines, crimes against humanity, Nuremburg trials and much more:
Thank you all for joining me here. I will post much more than just feature stories. Will be bringing you rapid intel updates from my sources as well as previews of items we're about to announce such as new videos, reports, etc.