43 years in the domestic oil and gas industry, now working in risk management.
@HealthRanger Hello Mike, you're a professing man of science, so I have a question for you considering which I am reluctant to describe as, but can only consider a revelation. What's the revelation? That no human being on planet Earth can scientifically prove he is Jewish, yet million around the globe claim to be Jews.
This is science, so please consider it only in that light. It's not a moral ("Events in the course of human affairs" Greenleaf) thing at all.
And it really is the most monstrous FACT in the world today ignored everywhere I go, and with the hugest import.
So, why shouldn't I bring it up with another Christian, or is this too hot a potato?
What I mean is nobody can scientifically prove he is Jew for the simple reasons 1) most DNA science hasn't solve this problem and offered a solution, 2) there is no sample of Abraham's DNA to use for this purpose and 3) There is no documentary evidence going all the way back more than 3,000 years, so in the abstract it is impossible for every human being to scientifically or otherwise prove he is a Jew.