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three score and more, Canadian male sinner saved by God's mercy and grace.
Bible student and servant of my beloved Heavenly Father.
Watchman on the wall looking for our blessed redeemer, my Lord Jesus Christs' soon return.
three score and more, Canadian male sinner saved by God's mercy and grace.
Bible student and servant of my beloved Heavenly Father.
Watchman on the wall looking for our blessed redeemer, my Lord Jesus Christs' soon return.
One of many Good Guys,
May God bless him and his.
More Good Guys;

Since most members make a goodbye email before they leave, I figured I should as well, despite the “special” circumstances around my departure.
Easton SpectatorCanadian Lawyers are speaking up!
I have been wondering when they might do so.
Thankfully some have courage.
May God bless them mightily.
Twisted Logic.
They already own everthing, but it is still not enough.
Jimmy Dore interviews Robert F Kennedy Jr. and his new book The Real Anthony Fauci.
The corruption is vast News Media, Universities, Science Studies, Medical Journals, Medical governing bodies .Gov, Pols. etc
Robert explains the nuts and bolts of how this is accomplished.
Fascinating and Disgusting.
Parents and Grand Parents
Kids should never get these shots.
Dark and very Evil.
May God bless and keep all those courageous Truth Tellers.
Parents and Grand Parents,
This Video will protect your children.
Dr Malone inventor of the technology used in the shots.
This is the video that got mRNA gene-therapy inventor Dr. Robert Malone banned from Twitter several days ago, so you KNOW that what he‘s saying is right over the target!
#tyranny #politics #cdc #DrRobertMalone #Twitter #Censorship #BigTech #BigPharma #mRNA #Pfizer #Moderna #government
Video Dr. Malone was banned by twitter "factchecker scholars" for.
These mighty mental giants banned Dr Malone for disinfo.
A topic they seem to excel in.
“The findings confirm Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher’s finding that among more than 40 corpses he autopsied who had died within two weeks of COVID19 vaccination, approximately one-third of those deaths were caused by the vaccination.”

Saltspring Island is about 40 miles north of Victoria on Vancouver Island.
Basically across the channel from Vancouver on the mainland of British Columbia.
60 ish miles north of Port Angeles Washington State..
I don't know when this clip was filmed, but it was uploaded very recently.
Chinese Military In Canada?!?!?!?!
I found Karen Kingston's website
Please consider this Beauriful Lady and all she has done for us by coming out as a courageous Truth Teller.
Please support her through Prayer and if so able maybe a donation to fund her work.
I would like to thank Her for many efforts, and ask our Heavenly Father to bless her and keep her under His loving wing.
Thankyou ABA for raising up our sweet Sister and all those like her in Jesus precious name.

Dr. Vernon Coleman
"It’s the 22nd November 2021
and this is the moment when the jabbing has to stop.
A couple of hours ago Darren Smith, the editor of the excellent The Light Paper, sent me a paper from the medical journal Circulation which proves that the covid-19 jabbing experiment has to stop today. I believe that any doctor or nurse who gives one of the mRNA covid jabs after today will in due course be struck off the appropriate register and arrested"

It’s the 22nd November 2021 and this is the moment when the jabbing has to stop. A couple of hours ago Darren Smith, the editor of the excellent The Light Paper, sent me a paper from the medical journal…
vernoncoleman.org20 Red State Attornies General have filed variuos Lawsuits re mandates, overreach etc.
These same Attornies General could be lobbied by all jill and joe sixpacks to convene a grand jury to indight all the ceo cfo presidents vps of Big Pharma for conspiriing to injure maim and kill innocent people.
Cdc Fda etc with Crimes against Humanity which is spelled out in the Nuremberg code which the usa is a signitory of.
It is international law and usa signed it.

Francis Boyle offers an alternative approach to prosecuting those who are responsible for COVID crimes. Watch our entire conversation here.
What does one do when they find out there married to a sheeple? How can you communicate with someone who chooses to have their head in the sand and thinks everything is just find...with life as horrific as we know it today!!??
Wtf psychos injecting kids and telling them not to tell their parents???
Parents get your kids out of public schools. They are cancer to your children.
The noose continues to tighten here in Canada. Now every employee of a bank or telecom company must be vaxxed. Trudeau is going after every federally regulated industry.

Canada will soon crack down on COVID-19 mandates, forcing banks, telecommunications companies and all other federally regulated workspaces to ensure their employees are inoculated, Ottawa said on Tuesday.'This is a tough post for me. Today we traveled back to Canada from Cairo. We came early to complete the new quarantine requirement given Egypt has been listed as a “Country of Concern.” I am FULLY VACCINATED. We had PCR tests in Cairo & Frankfurt. We've an empty home to go to here in Calgary
Upon arrival in YYC, we were taken by CBSA (Canadian Border Services) to PHAC (Public Health Canada) screening. It was a 14 minute interrogation about my history with Covid (none)

VioletDerick on Gab: 'This is a tough post for me. Today we traveled back to Canada from Cairo. We came early to complete the new quarantine requirement given Egypt has been listed as a “Country of Concern.”…
gab.comAwsome interview
RFKjr. discusses criminal
behaviour, .gov,big pharm,
captured Agencies cdc fda who gavi etc.
Horrible cruel experiments on children orphans, mothers, young girls.
Simply Monsterous,
The Real Anthony Fauchi
Childrens Health Defense
is a worthy cause run by RFKjr.
God Bless this precious Brother, in Lord Jesus name.
We must start standing up and demanding an end to this !!!
Sold out every day! The hamburger that won the 1st place in the US Best Burger Awards 3 times!
It takes about a week, or more, to make each hamburger, from the buns, seasonings, layers of ingredients including the bacon they make by hand, and onion rings. Looks yummy.