These are some of my thoughts after watching an excellent posting on, the piece was "More Deadly Than War-Edward G Griffin)
I could write a chapter if not a book on what I have witnessed since Apr. 3rd 1969. That was 8 days before my 16th birthday, and I was taking an interest in thing even back then. Listening to Mr. Griffin today April 17th 2024, just 6days after my 71st birthday, I am almost shaking with a mixture of both apprehension, and rage.I am sure some will say, but it didn't happen, or things are bad but not "that" bad. I can tell you without a doubt in my mind, or my heart, that we are there. It has taken these many years, many close calls, but the time is upon us. Up until now we have mostly kept our heads down, tried to simply live our lives, yet here it is right on our door step.We have failed to heed the warnings.