This is part 2 of a post that I wrote in response to a piece I watched on, it was "More Deadly Than War by G Edward Griffin" from 1969 speaking on Communism.
Watts 1965, the troubles in Chicago, and Detroit during the 68 primary's, then in 1969 there was the Weather Underground, (the Weathermen). They admitted that at least 25 million Americans would not be re-trainable, and would have to be killed. Then of course there was 4 dead in Ohio Kent State University National Guard shooting students, Fast forward to 1992 and the Rodney King Riots In LA, Fast forward again, to present day. George Floyed, and BLM burning down large swaths of cities, de-fund the police, and the hits just keep playing. None of this happened in a vacuum, it is part of the take down of the Republic, and we haven't stopped it. We just keep electing A-Holes thinking some one is going to fix this. Elections are not going to fix this. I WILL NOT COMPLY, that is how we fix it. Be Loud, be Proud, Be AMERICAN. Pull out your Constitution, and learn it, and yes that means me to. Then live by it, learn how to separate your self from Corporate DC. Learn what it means to be an American, not a US Citizen, there really is a difference, it matters a lot. This is Mission Impossible, and if we fail, we will likely lose our lives, NO that's not hyperbole. There is no time left, choose, and do it quick, your families are counting on you. If you think I'm nuts just go back to sleep, this wasn't for you.