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The Alliance is laying the Cabal fiat dollar to rest and bringing in a US Treasury note that is backed by gold. They are assisting Putin in Russia to clean out the NAZI's in the Ukraine and to
fight off their Satanic armed forces called NATO. There is a lot more to be done. The world wide grip of their media is well entrenched and the FAKE Biden administration will soon be put to rest. The web site provides a daily progress report on all of this for those who are unstuck from their televisions. The quantum financial system will soon be up and running and NESARA/GESARA will take over. All in all I am encouraged and I am praying for the people in China who are experiencing a new Cabal bioweapon attack.
Happy New Year! It's 2023 and a lot has happened since last January. The White Hat Alliance is cleaning out the DUMBS world wide, bringing out the truth about the 2020 election fraud, the supreme court will rule on the Cabal controlled congress on January 6, 2023.
nanobots it turns into a robot. As it destroys our immune system with spike proteins and kills off our white blood cells that keep cancer cells, virus and bacteria from killing us. Just a thought for the uninformed.
graphene oxide to connect the nanobots together to make an electronic operating system in your brain run by 5 G from your nearest cell tower or street light which also broadcast 5 G. We think that the cell towers follow our cell phones where ever we go and that is true. But the truth is it also follows our DNA resonance where ever we go. It is tuned into our unique DNA broadcasting signature. It listens to our thoughts and manipulates our thoughts and desires. With the vaccine graphene and
Notice how they keep the narrative focused on vaccine mandates and not on the deadly vaccine itself and the New World Order/Illuminati Satan Worshipping bankers trying to kill off humanity using the deadly vaccine. In order to escape this the main stream media must be stopped from promoting the deadly virus narrative and the like giving vaccine narrative. That vaccine was designed to kill you not help you. It contains graphene hydroxide razor blades, MRNA that changes your DNA, hydra parasites,
not easily give up its prey.
Go to Duck Duck Go and look up loosh. It will explain there about Reptilians and Archons and how they are feeding off the life force of humanity.
parading around pretending to be real, whole, adult people capable of love and affection but are absolutely hollow, except for negativity. bone crushing negativity. I am sure they try to pair a narcissist with an empath. That way narcissist will have plenty of supply much like a spider, once it captures its prey, goes back to feed off it by causing negative emotions, pain and suffering. If you find yourself married to one of these creatures from hell, pray to God for deliverance. A spider does
love and affection until there is nothing left of your psyche. They are a true positive energy, life energy vampire who will put you through so much emotional and psychological pain and suffering that it will light up a thousand Reptilian worlds with loosh.
I find two things. The negative alien groups, Reptilians and Archons, by means of earth energy grids are feeding off this negative energy. They call it loosh. It can only be by their influence that so many people today are
beware that you don't give your affection away to these cluster B Personality Disorders. They are Narcissist, Sociopaths and Psychopaths. You may mistakenly think that such severely disordered, deranged people are few and far between but you would be very wrong in that assumption. Even a trained psychologist may find it difficult to spot a covert narcissist. They are able to ape positive emotions for a while but revert back to all the negative ones when they feel secure. They will feed off your
There are people who do not have a person inside. They are hollow in the psychological department. They are called cluster B Personality Disorders. Their psyche did not form around the positive emotions of love and affection. There is no empathy, affection, sympathy or love. You would think that they would not have any negative emotions either. but that is not the case. They have anger, hate, jealousy, envy and fear. So, knowing there are such people, when you are looking for someone to love,
After reading my story "What Evil" A Change of World View," does anyone feel they are better able to understand what is going on in the World?
all these words carefully in your heart. These are the last days. Brace yourselves.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.
day. What God do you have who loved you and washed away your sins with His own blood? Life long, much evil has been attributed to Jesus, the Bible, Christianity, the Christian church but consider the source, a liar and murderer from the foundation of the world. The Bible deserves more that a passing glance and dismissal. Just like Jesus' words, the Bible bears the words of eternal life, words that will remain, even though heaven and earth pass away, Jesus words will never pass away. Consider
is the height of folly. It is a mistake that will be paid by nothing less than punishment in an eternal fire. Hell was made for the devil and his fallen angel helpers but unfortunately too many people have thrown their lot in with him.
I have written these words so that you might read the Bible, come to a knowledge of the truth, come to faith in Jesus Christ and not suffer your soul to live in the eternal flames. Jesus died for our transgressions and rose victorious from the grave the third
them to buy a loaf of bread will be, let me guess, about a half a billion. Most people will not see beyond today and the next meal. They will forget all about being an eternal spiritual being and they will forget all about the eternal salvation that Jesus died to give them. They will sell their eternal home in heaven for a bowl of soup. TOO BAD! They were going to die sooner or later in any event. To throw away your eternal soul by joining the ranks of the worshipers of a liar and a murderer
on the spot or send you to the FEMA camp for "re-education" or for furnace therapy.
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Above all, do try to keep in mind, that it is nothing personal. To them you are not a person with rights and freedoms, just a sheep to be slaughtered. The question of how many will live through the vaccine war, the biological weapons plague, resultant famine and economic collapse is not hard to answer. Not many will survive. How many of those who sell their souls to Satan for his mark that allows
and more than enough room." Once there, you will be processed like cattle, directing you to the appropriate warehouse where the doors will be shut and the air promptly pumped out. Your bodies will be put on conveyor belts to the incinerator. NOTHING PERSONAL MIND YOU, JUST MURDER ON A PLANETARY SCALE. Naturally Christians will be high on their hit list. The many Fusion Centers they have built will answer the phone when they call from the traffic check points and they will tell them to shoot you
law and the reason to call in UN troops, put them on every street corner to carry us off to the FEMA death camps. They won't have to hunt you down to find you and shoot you. The Satanic Corporations who control the food supply will shut down the food chain, which they own by the way, and that will cause wide spread famine. No food day after day does very well in the genocide department. The starving will call out to them. And they will say, "Come to the FEMA camps. We have more than enough food
programed and conditioned you through the Satanic media to be a sex crazed animal, willing and even eager to copulate in public on any street corner. They consider all of us to be animals and useless eaters as it says in the Bible, "we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered all the day long.
Expect some manufactured virus to work like a charm for them. The pandemic will cause their planned chaos (written on every one dollar bill in Latin), and well may be their excuse to declare martial
They, the Globalist, New World Order, Illuminati, Satan-worshiping bankers built the United Nations to use as their governing body for the world. That was before a mind controlling cell tower was built on every corner. I expect them to scrap the UN just like NASA when they have the population culled down to a manageable level. They will let the computer Artificial Intelligence and 5 G mind control microwave towers rule the slave race without getting their hands dirty. And that is why they have