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beware that you don't give your affection away to these cluster B Personality Disorders. They are Narcissist, Sociopaths and Psychopaths. You may mistakenly think that such severely disordered, deranged people are few and far between but you would be very wrong in that assumption. Even a trained psychologist may find it difficult to spot a covert narcissist. They are able to ape positive emotions for a while but revert back to all the negative ones when they feel secure. They will feed off your
is the height of folly. It is a mistake that will be paid by nothing less than punishment in an eternal fire. Hell was made for the devil and his fallen angel helpers but unfortunately too many people have thrown their lot in with him.
I have written these words so that you might read the Bible, come to a knowledge of the truth, come to faith in Jesus Christ and not suffer your soul to live in the eternal flames. Jesus died for our transgressions and rose victorious from the grave the third
hear him as well a person sitting across from me. He said to me, "You can't hurt us, we have LOOKING GLASS." I believe the man was a Markabian, an off planet race working to make earth their seventh planet. Not very much is known about them. Phil Schneider said when he saw his first alien that the blast of fear went through him as well but he pulled out his six gun and blasted away. Find and read his story on the internet. Use Duckduckgo.
Are Extra Terrestrial and Extra Dimentional races and
Settlements and the International Monetary Fund. Now they can set up their one world army under the name of United Nations Peace Keepers. Now they can try to set up their one world religion. The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is certainly trying to become the leader of this emerging one world order mix of watered down religiosity. The Cabal itself will stick to being Luciferians drinking the blood of their human sacrifices.
I'll pick it up there tomorrow.
Settlements and the International Monetary Fund. Now they can set up their one world army under the name of the United Nations Peace Keepers. Now they want a one world religion and they are working toward that goal. The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is certainly trying to become the leader of this emerging one world order mix of watered down religiosity that the cabal wants to institute. But the Cabal will stick to being Luciferians and drinking the blood of their human sacrifices.