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Natrual Farmer, Cider Maker, Dowser, Singer/Guitarist, Entrepreneur.
Natrual Farmer, Cider Maker, Dowser, Singer/Guitarist, Entrepreneur.
...Those who call themselves 'Jew" but are not.
Genetic evidence they are not.
All I can say I'm ready for ending of this movie
How does Joe Biden look completely different from one day to the next?
I’m extremely confused.
The video on the left is from the debate last night.
The video on the right is this morning in North Carolina.
Why does he look like a different person?
This woman spends 100% of her income on rent.
Demand for rentals is outpacing supply across the country, and people are struggling
This woman spends 100% of her income on rent. Demand for rentals is outpacing supply across the country, and people are struggling administration officials convinced group to drop minimum age recommendations for dangerous and irreversible #transgender medical procedures #transhumanism #leftcult

A top health official for the administration of President Joe Biden previously worked to convince an international transgender health nonprofit made up of so-called medical experts to drop age limit guidelines… Mar 2, 2024: Express > You Can’t Make This Sh*t Up!! #Iraqi migrant stayed at large in #UK for months after alleged rape of 7-year old.

By JON AUSTIN22:00, Sat, Mar 2, 2024 UPDATED: 10:26, Mon, Mar 4, 2024🚈 More About This Source Here!! Ibrahim Khaleel Ibrahim arrived in the country on a small boat on September 9 last September and…
Always Something: Not Your New Normal!!Modern medicine is a sham

The United Kingdom’s People’s Vaccine Inquiry has commenced in response to the government-led U.K. COVID Inquiry indefinitely postponing its promised inquiry into Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines.”… May 17, 2024: Discovery Quest > Meet The Island Of Provocative Single Women Waiting Desperately For Men!

DiscoveryQuest75.3K subscribers91,239 views May 17, 2024 Meet The Island Of Provocative Single Women Waiting Desperately For Men! Nestled in the embrace of the vast Pacific Ocean, Nauru – a t…
Always Something: Not Your New Normal!!So my Twitter account has been suspended AGAIN, this time for absolutely no reason.
Not bothering with Gab as you can’t even post pictures without paying.
Nothing has changed over there.
Invaders flooding into the country by the millions and fentanyl killing people daily.
I'm convinced, since covid & all that took place, something changed in those most connected to me.... and the others.
Mom and Dad’s Swinger Party
For kids…
For their “education”
Entered into Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963 —— The 45 Goals of Communism in America
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
You think we’re there yet?
Dear God is it only a few of us which can see Why...
Is nothing done and the masses comply to it.
Have we as a human race have any worth
From #SimianVirus40 in #poliojabs to #spikeproteins in mRNA, #VACCINEINDUCEDCANCER is nothing new to the insidious #medicalindustrialcomplex

Oh, the insidious cancer industrial complex of America. Do not put anything past it. Vaccines have been dirty, adulterated and contaminated since the onset. You can’t even say the word ‘vaccines’ without…
newstarget.comFYI comment\Thinking About Going Offgrid? Think Again
90+ percent will never make it. They don't have the skills or brains. I have had off grid places for almost 30 years and I can tell you...
1: Whatever you think it will cost you need to at least double that.
2: However long you think it will take double that too.
3. If you don't know how to fix most everything and very good at improvising, you WILL fail.
4: Wild game will disappear in short order.
5: You will need several sources of water and water storage. 6: You will need livestock and means of protection for them and feed.
7: Propane will run out. You are a lot better off using solar electric for fridges/freezers.
8: If you need a part or anything from town you will lose a day going to get it or if town is not an option you're screwed.
9: You will need a good amount of medical supplies and some knowledge of treatments, antibiotics.
10: You will need as much security as possible. Drones, alarms, cameras, etc.
The list goes on. Virtually no one has what it takes. Even people that have been offgrid for years do stupid things and fail. If you can't do these basic things you are better off staying put. Most off gridders are not very welcoming of strangers.
@GoldieElaine people are lazy and greedy as well and selfish.
They have no worth.