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For those who don't realize it, the enemy is doing everything in it's power to control the information getting out by creating propaganda and calling the truth "misinformation" or "disinformation".
We know about the lithium & quartz.
We know about the land grab.
We know about the weather modification.
We know about FEMA preventing civilians from getting aid to the victims.
We know about the FEMA "preferred provider" list.
We know about the attempt to stop people from voting.
We know about the money laundering.
The enemy is losing control and desperate. Like a cornered animal, they will fight tooth and nail.
More death and destruction is coming to convince you that you "need" them. The last week has proven that you don't.
Imagine what could be done if they hadn't stolen BILLIONS from us!
Prepare yourselves.
Could this really be about #stealing valuable #resources?

Conspiracy theories are circulating the web about what really happened with Hurricane Helene and how it is allowing the federal government to seize valuable land underneath which are large deposits of…
www.naturalnews.comIf you want to see Biden / Harris administration caught in lies and stupidity on video, watch this. Every single time I see news on Hurricane Helene victims and how the Feds are either helping with a limp wrist or being an obstacle for others trying to help, I burn with anger. God help us if Trump is not elected. I'll let the cat out of the wife and I are planning a move to Texas as that is the most likely State to secede from the insanity. It is also the only State capable of standing alone and actually was a country before joining the USA. We project 2 to 3 years out before we jump.
Monero Address
Epic Cash Address
The Democrats are claiming FEMA has two different budgets - one for migrant resettlement and one for disaster relief. The truth is Congress never allocated FEMA any money to fund Kamala Harris’s open border policy - they just took the money.
A large number of j*ws have arrived in Ukraine via Poland & are preparing to build the “New Ukraine.”
THAT'S RIGHT! j*ws aren't drafted to war! Only the white Ukrainian natives!
The j*ws created the Ukraine/Russia war to make a NEW israel!
How is this America First?
israeli settlers chant against far-right minister Ben Gvir, demanding his resignation from outside the operation site in Be'er Sheva, where an iof soldier was killed and dozens were injured
iof detain Palestinian workers in the town of Beit Hanina in occupied Jerusalem
FEMA, all j*ws, refused to give humanitarian aid to American victims after the hurricane!
They gave all YOUR MONEY to “migrants” & foreign countries.
Remember their names:
Lebanon is unbelievable and the world media is silent. Here is Beirut:
1974 dead
127 children killed
9,384 injured
1.2 million displaced
The j*ws are the worst war criminals of our time!
Italy, new flooding hit Traversara when the Lamone River breached a recently REBUILT embankment!
Over 19 dead in Bosnia and Herzegovina municipality of Jablanica after flood & landslide
Floods and landslides in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sorrel
Excellent article by Ty and Charlene Bollinger. The government has TURNED ITS BACK on the people of America!

Help us prove that Americans don’t leave each other behind. We fight for each other, no matter how hard the government tries to tear us apart. 🇺🇸
thetruthaboutcancerofficial.substack.comFire chief Chris should step down . He doesn't have the stuff that it takes to make good decisions
FEMA- For EVERY Migrant Alien
On Friday evening Secretary of State Antony Blinken broke the news on X that the Biden regime is sending $157 MILLION to the people of Lebanon.
Somehow, the Biden regime FOUND an Extra $157 MILLION to send to Lebanon after Isreal bombed the Hezbollah headquarters and killed the terrorist leaders.
In his announcement on Twitter Blinken bragged that the Biden regime is “committed to supporting those in need and delivering essential aid to displaced civilians, refugees and the communities hosting them.”

On Friday evening Secretary of State Antony Blinken broke the news on X that the Biden regime is sending $157 million to the people of Lebanon.
The Gateway Pundit@TheLastRefuge2
I have never seen FEMA block private sector relief efforts before. Remember, emergency management responses are state issues.
It is the STATE that must grant FEMA the authority to operate (under an emergency declaration), not vice-versa.
My gut reaction to these reports is that the real source of the problem is the North Carolina STATE government abdicating its responsibility to the FEDS. I might be wrong, but something tells me this is the core issue at hand.
What happens to all the animals during the Rapture? Is there a magic cube place.for them with God? Do Humans and animals get to be inside the same cube? What if someone doesn't know God is real? How do we know real? What is God? To be in a Holographic Universe means it's artificial and would have to be inside a computer to run. Does anyone have these answers???
Here is a question:
All those towns which got destroyed by Helene in Florida, Georgia, SC, NC, Tennessee etc etc, where are all those people going to vote if they lost everything & the whole town?
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait have declared neutrality in the conflict between Iran and israel
These countries have decided not to allow the use of American military bases against Iran, as well as not to allow israeli planes to use the sky to attack Iran.
370 substations were out of service from the storm in the Duke Energy Carolinas service area.
For those that were damaged & can’t be repaired in a timely manner – mobile substations will be installed to allow us to restore service as soon as it is safe to do so!?
A federal judge throws the book at voting machine whistleblower Tina Peters.
The Colorado woman, a Gold Star mom, was sentenced to 9 YEARS for her role documenting Domin*on Voting Machine files before they could be *DELETED.*