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Social entrepreneur and founder of GridZero Inc, helping individuals and businesses go off grid, make power, generate water and grow food to survive the current war on our freedoms, coming food shortages and support our non-profit GridZero Solutions Institute working homeless initiative.
Social entrepreneur and founder of GridZero Inc, helping individuals and businesses go off grid, make power, generate water and grow food to survive the current war on our freedoms, coming food shortages and support our non-profit GridZero Solutions Institute working homeless initiative.
Trump Attended Emotional RNC Convention - Day 1 [Pete Santilli Show #4146-8AM]
The END of the USD is closer than we may want to believe.
My latest Podcast EP 2302 is out as I expose more of the lies and deceptions of our political and media scum.
We live in interesting and challenging times to be sure, but what is coming out way may make things even worse. Prepare yourselves
I'm back on twitter and just launched my new podcast series Perspectives from Outside the MATRIX to expose more truth
The greatest fraud ever played out against all humanity can be summed up in the ongoing hidden reality of the geo engineering of our planet as shared in this video. It is worth watching and sharing, but expect your mind to be blown when you understand it.
Just returned from California, and man, what a trip. $7.00 gas and countless people still weraing make. Had a great time anyway and drank way to much wine!
Here is a “A parody rewrite of the Eagles’ 1977 hit song, Hotel California, relevant to the current times of COVID-19, the catastrophic pandemic response and the media’s systematic force-feeding of fear.”

A parody rewrite of the Eagles' 1977 hit song, Hotel California, relevant to the current times.
imagiNed Conceptual ArtistryThe Climate Change narrative is finally falling apart as the principal FearPorn as we are fed more bullshit fear strategies designed to kill us all off. Crazy times we are living!
In case you were not aware that the CDC is as corrupt as most politicians are!
Why do we continue to allow the Obiden Regime to piss all over us with absurd policies like this? Have we no respect for our country anymore and just remain silent to get along?
To better understand the current state of our country and where we are heading, watch this Tucker Carlsen segment. Socialism, Communism or Marxism is not coming to America, it's already here folks and if we do nothing to stop its spread, America will be lost forever.
Happy July 4th 2022 - This year I choose not to replace my flag as its current condition accurately reflects the state of our country at this time - torn and wind beaten into a faded image of the proud Red White & Blue it once represented.
The brave heros who died on D-Day in 1944 and all the other wars and conflicts before and after - would be disgusted if they knew the current state of America and what is heading our way.
Happy Forth - Independence Day. Here is a powerful yet tragic video of a true hero who lives on yet today from the hell of WW2 he experienced. Told in an equally powerful manner.
Happy Father's Day to all those Fathers like me who have had one or more kids to raise over the years. I had 6 and they all turned out good and uniquely different. Got this card from one of them today (below). Good news is that 4 of the 6 still talk to me - lol, and that's 66% so a far better rating than the OBiden Regime has.
Anyone with even a few brain cells still working knows we are screwed if this idiot is deemed to be the leader of the free world. America has become a reality clown show the whole world is watching and laughing their asses off showcasing the insanity we have allowed to take place here. How tragic!
It is so sad that in today's America - well over 80% of its citizens have never even read our Consitution or Bill of Rights, the founding documents of the World's once greatest country, or even their own countries, and simply continue to believe all the bullshit fed them by thier corrupt governments and fake media stooges.
This is just one of several reasons why I do not buy Starbucks coffee, and something their cult following should know and consider as well.
As our global society crumbles before our eyes, thanks to the delusional leadership in most countries, including that in America and Canada, here is an article to help you better understand why people kill each other and themselves.

The rate of lethal violence is 7 times higher than the average for all mammals.
www.psychologytoday.comHappy Memorial Day and sorry to all those who have fought for our freedoms over the past 200 years, only to watch our own corrupt government sell us out and destroy everything good America has ever stood for. May the force be with us so we can overcome the evil that has infected the entire world to allow us the opportunity to restore all countries to what they once represented.