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Social entrepreneur and founder of GridZero Inc, helping individuals and businesses go off grid, make power, generate water and grow food to survive the current war on our freedoms, coming food shortages and support our non-profit GridZero Solutions Institute working homeless initiative.
Social entrepreneur and founder of GridZero Inc, helping individuals and businesses go off grid, make power, generate water and grow food to survive the current war on our freedoms, coming food shortages and support our non-profit GridZero Solutions Institute working homeless initiative.
Happy Forth - Independence Day. Here is a powerful yet tragic video of a true hero who lives on yet today from the hell of WW2 he experienced. Told in an equally powerful manner.
This is just one of several reasons why I do not buy Starbucks coffee, and something their cult following should know and consider as well.
Anyone that does not agree with this statement is not a true patriot, certainly in these these.
@TheAngelPreneur A good old Louisiana country boy. One of the few good ones left.
NEWS ALERT: We are heading back into an ICE AGE, so all the hype about reducing Global Warming with the Globalist solution to cool the planet through Carbon Taxes will work! Or rather appear to be working as our planet is already on a trend to become colder and drier. If only the Left believed in real Science, we might actually solve and prepare for future problems.
Wake up people, the social credit scoring systems shown in this video used in China is heading our way, unless we stop it!!! Sadly many people think this is cool and not a problem. I disagree!
This is the supposed Leader of the Free World! No wonder we are going down the tide.
The future has arrived, well actually, these have been around for almost 10 years, so look for a swarm near you sooner than we may think.
The End of Days is fast approaching as we destroy our own military and ability to defend ourselves against foreign enemies and even our own government which has gone full-on crazy with this fake mandate cult mentality. We can blame the woke vaccinated and anyone that refuses to stand up for our rights not be commit suicide with the experimental JAB.
“Weekend at Biden’s” - A View from Australia
If you watch nothing else today watch this video. I know all of you are aware of and most of you have watched the movie "Weekend At Bernie's". This is out of Australia & it's "Weekend At Biden's" SNL writers could not write this stuff better!
This is a great mock ad of the electric vehicle pipe dream that shows just how absurd it is to think that all vehicles will one day be electric. California can barely keep the lights on when the wind blows due mainly to the lack of electrical infrastructure.
The mind control in California has been going on for over 50 years. I'm a So Cali native and had to move outa there 30 yrs ago - because the culture is BRAIN DEAD.
I was a fashion designer for corporations. Most do not know this, but the large corporate apparel design & marketing teams fly into So California 2 times a year to get ideas - mainly from the beach boutiques. So Cali is considered a Mecca for setting trends on what is cool. A HUGE part of the the worldwide MIND CONTROL starts with FASHION- it sets trends for CULTURAL CONFORMITY. This was actually discussed in our planning, marketing and advertising meetings...
This is a 90-second video from a small country restaurant in France, which keeps its customers entertained while they are waiting for dessert.
For all of you Democrats out there who think your government loves you have a look at how they've handled the Social Security system for your parents old farts like me.
The reason I don't trust politicians and certainly not any Democrat that is a politician is explained well in this little video clip. Watch it and pass it on please!
This is a must-see video that clearly shows how long we have been fighting the socialist democratic movement toward communism in America. In the 1960's there were patriot groups that hosted small meetings of friends and like-minded thinkers on topics such as socialism and communism.
I'm surprised that this film has survived 60 years but here it is, and it shows that what some were predicting then could happen here...and they were spot on. (Thanks to Walter Lindsey for sharing this.)
@TheAngelPreneur - Canada & Australia have been Socialistic for many years now.. that's why they're so far 'ahead' in the Communising process..
@inlikeflint @TheAngelPreneur
I think I saw this a long time ago. It's been around a long time!!
A powerful snapshot from the past. A tribute to the way America used to be and the way it can be again if we have faith, if we can understand that no matter how bad things seem or are today, We The People of America can overcome the challenges of our time and pull together to Make America - America again. This is our time!