OK sheep! Just let them murder your children. They are already slaughtering the millennials.
Does anybody understand what happens when you kill off two generations IN A ROW? This is the end of the US as we know it.
Deagle still says we will lose 300,000,000 by 2025. The last number I saw was there would only be 9 MILLION Americans left.
Watch something with Karen Kingston on it. She knows more than anybody right now. This affects unvaxxed too! The shedding spreads the murder weapon. Dr Carrie Madej tried to tell us and they almost killed her.
@caulboy Good point on the 2 generations in a row! No one seems to have connected those dots yet. It's pretty hard being grandparents waiting for all of our kids and grandkids to die, since they all took and KEEP ON taking the shots!
@caulboy - If the the shedding is true then we all have it. Game over for all of us then right?
Game over for those who do nothing.
The "spike protein" is a biological/mechanical parasite and IV vitamin C and Ivermectin appears to wipe it out. Once I know for sure I will post it here. Meanwhile I recommend that everyone take a dose of ivermectin once a week. That is what it takes for me to not get headaches from being around vaxxed people. My wife was exposed through nasal testing swabs and has taken IV C and ivermectin and is clear. She even got rid of her Epstein-Barr virus and has natural immunity now.