Those cheerleading for WAR are the real anti-Semites because their actions will result in the annihilation of #Israel. If you care about Israel and the Jewish people, join me in calling for PEACE and diplomacy. See this announcement from Jewish Voice For Peace:

Israel is escalating its violence against Palestinians. @Mgipson79 Funny how 75 years later (after 1948's murdering and displacing innocent Palestinians, shrinking their land (decade-by-decade), putting Palestinian survivors in what equates to a 24-7 concentration camp) you claim that Israel is going out of it's way to offer "land for peace..." of what equates to crumbs...
How do you take something from someone (through murder and colonization), then 75 years later, expect some of their children, grand children, great grand children not to be born with anger. It would be like China coming into your state (i.e. Texas)... killing many of your residents, forcing the remaining Texans to the southwest corner of the state (over the next 75 years)... then expect no retaliation from those Texans.
And think those Texans should just be grateful to get an offer of crumbs (10% of the state) for some peace.