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Brighteon Broadcast News, Apr 25, 2024 – The pillars of REALITY are rapidly CRUMBLING
- AI-generated deep fake technology, with demonstration of convincing video creation using only two inputs. (0:00)
- US government's focus on causing harm to people and nations. (29:49)
- Using snake #venom in skincare products. (44:42)
- #Squatting in Arizona and justification of stealing homes. (52:48)
- Impending societal collapse due to government failure and delusional leadership. (58:35)
- Using venom peptides in medicine, including weight loss drug based on Gila Monster venom. (1:04:42)
- Venom proteins in drug and #vaccine manufacturing, cosmetics, and crop protection. (1:12:49)
- COVID-19 #vaccine dangers and research on venom proteins in blood. (1:20:14)
- Using nicotine to protect against viruses. (1:26:10)
- Using natural remedies for COVID-19, including Wormwood and #ivermectin. (1:39:55)
- The benefits of a product containing ingredients like Mucuna Pruriens, Lobelia, and nicotine for cognitive support (1:43:14)
Top 7 SCARY TRUTHS the #CDC does NOT want you to know about Covid-19 “vaccines” and “boosters”

Some people call it the plandemic. Others call it the scamdemic. Either way, most of the deaths did not come from the “novel” virus, but rather the toxic mRNA spike prions that invaded the vascular system…
www.naturalnews.comBrighteon Broadcast News, Aug 15, 2023 - Torching of Lahaina an ACT OF TERRORISM by the tyrannical government against the people of Hawaii
- #Lahaina fires were deliberately allowed to achieve maximum destruction
- #Maui police and county officials are refusing to talk to local press (video)
- Hundreds of children were burned alive in something resembling a mass child sacrifice ritual
- Hawaiian government resorts to #tyranny and SILENCE while locals go hungry
- This is what happens when you vote corrupt Democrats into power
- Governments are waging acts of #terrorism and #warfare against their own people
- Engineered famine, #geoengineering of crop failures, #terraforming operations to hurt crop yields
- Banana republic of Georgia indicts #Trump and others for ridiculous things; an assault on free speech
Fauci, Walensky, the CDC, the FDA, and the fake President all LIED about the safety of the Wuhan Virus jabs

A long-term study performed by doctors, researchers, and scientists at the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, and published in the medical journal Circulation, has revealed a shocking statistic that 66 percent…
www.naturalnews.comFDA Drops Ivermectin Bombshell
So all those doctors who where fired & jailed should sue the government!

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
zerohedge.comNever forget that, in the name of science, people were arrested for simply enjoying the sun at the beach.
@ZGoldenReport ..Just like the Greedy Cowardice Medical Mafia who REFUSED to Stand Up in the Face of EVIL & Do the Right Thing !
Rob Schneider Questions 2 Billion GMO Mosquitoes Being Released By EPA – “I’m Sure Government & Bill Gates Have Our Best Interests In Mind”

The elite continue messing with Mother Nature ...I guess there are 0 brave Souls in this World who Will Volunteer to Take Out Gates obviously & Save Billions of Lives.
My Faith in Humanity isn't much any longer.
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 11, 2023 - Bioweapons whistleblower Karen Kingston says she's being hunted by the CIA for ASSASSINATION
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 11, 2023 - Bioweapons whistleblower Karen Kingston says she's being hunted by the CIA for ASSASSINATION
- Karen Kingston says she's being hunted by the CIA after speaking out about vaccine bioweapons
- We are urging Karen to get out of Mexico because it's too dangerous there
- It's much safer to go off grid into safe house environments in the USA
- The DoD and CIA are not legally allowed to operate inside the USA, but they DO operate in Mexico
- Remember, #COVID started as a DoD bioweapon that was later ENHANCED in Wuhan, China
- Food sabotage continues worldwide as grain elevators in France are set on fire
- Global #famine is the goal, along with global #depopulation via #bioweapons
- Full Interview with Dick Russell, author of several books on the #JFK assassination
- America has been "captured" by the #deepstate ever since
The U.S. military is going humanless

For the first time, the United States military has successfully flown a fighter plane using artificial intelligence (AI), meaning no human soldiers necessary. The Air Force reportedly flew an XQ-58A Valkyrie…
www.naturalnews.comPutin approves a series of legal amendments that could end online anonymity, curtail free speech and stifle innovation

Russian President Vladimir Putin has enacted a series of legal amendments that could spell the end of online anonymity, curtail free speech and stifle innovation. The amendments, officially titled Federal…
www.naturalnews.comWatch: Rob Schneider Calls Out Big Pharma As A ‘Legal Drug Cartel’

Actor and comedian highlights Big Pharma ties to politicians and media
www.infowars.comUnder the law, incitement to violence or murder is a criminal offense and can result in legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment. Inciting violence towards a specific group, such as pro-lifers, is also considered a hate crime and can carry more severe penalties.

Liberal actress repeated grim remark after asking for clarification.
www.infowars.comThink back very Carefully. WHO Collaborated with Pfizer to Push the Worldwide Distribution of their "Vaccines" ? And WHO , after seeing the Deaths/Disabilities just like the Rest of Us, is SILENT about the Dangers ?
The "Patriots" have been Bamboozled just like the Sheeple !
HOLLYWEIRD. There’s evil stuff going on at a high level in the music industry:
Must Watch: Sen. Paul Exposes State Department Lies About Funding Gain of Function Research in China

"Do we fund coronavirus? I don’t believe so, but I don’t know," says Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman.
www.infowars.comSituation Update, Feb 7, 2023 - Earthquakes, survival and ending human suffering
- Natural News announces large food donation for (mostly) hungry Americans
- Globalists pushing bugs while claiming EGGS are bad for you
- Are nations covering up vaccine deaths like they're lying about jobs numbers?
- WHO pushing extreme censorship of anyone who tells the truth
- Fake meat industry is collapsing: Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat both going down
- In Austin, hundreds of local residents fight over dumpster food thrown out by grocery store
- Massive earthquake in Turkey, thousands of buildings destroyed, thousands of deaths
- We can't control many disasters, but largest source of human suffering is bad government
- Demonic Grammy's performance sponsored by Pfizer
- Spike protein found to cause ACCELERATED aging
- Another vector of depopulation
It's criminal what these deep state figures and their lapdogs in social and traditional media did to Trump.

New evidence has emerged that former Twitter executives knew full well that the "Trump-Russia collusion" narrative being thrown about by the Hillary Clinton campaign, nearly all mainstream media outlets,…