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A technology company in the heart of central Mississippi dedicated to freedom and privacy of individuals and small businesses.
SPECIAL REPORT - INFOWARS FINAL DAYS: Alex Jones shall OVERCOME the satanic assault on truth, freedom and liberty
#infowars #AlexJones #truth
@HealthRanger We wlll pray for Alex and his employees. May a patriot buyer that loves freedom and God be the new owner to continue inforwars.
@HealthRanger Make a bid Mike and hand him back the keys. More than one way to Hook a Sandy. I reckon he'll pay y'all back at some point.
@HealthRanger Mike Alex works for the machine his j 6 pushing with stop the steal, pushing convid bs and pimping the shots of and what about the firing of David knight who went against Alex on stop the steal and convid you do say he doesn’t censor you but what about knight?

Yes, punish CNN for pushing mRNA FOX too. Have Tucker give back some of his blood money How about Trump who still brags about his jab? I bet @jakeshieldsajj supports Trump Alex also pushed the jabs.…
x.comThe government establishment tells you to avoid buying gold, don't use ivermectin, stop drinking raw milk and trust in vaccines. This is why every person with a brain should: 1) Buy some gold, 2) Stockpile some ivermectin, 3) Choose raw milk over processed milk, and 4) Never trust any vaccine for the rest of your life. If you want to LIVE, do exactly the opposite of what the government and corporate media tell you. If you want to DIE, just take their jabs, eat their toxic processed foods and lose your life savings to currency printing hyperinflation. The choice is yours.
Not that simple.... Prepping and defense alone is a losing strategy
1) With the economy,. taxes, rising inflation, there is little excess money to buy gold
ex: my water bill went from $60 to $350 for the same time period
2) already have ivermectin,,, that's not going to stop the shedding that I get whenever I go into public places. I also need EDTA and nicotine now.. and they are still spraying the skies and poisoning the water
3) raw milk.. whatever..
4) deadly vaccines are still required for public schools.. which aren't that great anyway. The culture is demonic, stupid, and supports fascism and communisms. nearly all my family took the shots, and now I don't talk to them at all.. so what? Really hard raising kids when the entire world looks like shit.
Whether we keep defending or not -- they just keep attacking and NOBODY stops them.
We are in a war. biological, cultural, spiritual. economic
If we do not FIGHT BACK... we lose.
The time for prepping is long gone...
more prepping now just means more losing.
@HealthRanger @PeacefulProgress
Joshua 1:9 (ESV)
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Just a reminder that "with" God’s presence, we can face any challenge and continue pressing forward, no matter how daunting the journey may seem.
I don't consume any dairy, but gotta say I'd be real apprehensive about drinking raw milk. Cows live in fields, n pick up ticks. Tick bites can cause Lyme disease, n a host of other serious maladies. Pasteurization kills those pathogens.
The Bible tells us that we should correct those who carry out small transgressions with gentleness and compassion, but for those who carry out great transgressions and crimes, they should be strongly and publicly called out and condemned PUBLICLY. Anyone hiding behind the cover of the "church" while pushing #genocide, extermination, mass murder and ethnic cleansing should be loudly, repeatedly and strenuously condemned by all. Doubly so if they claim to be church leaders, for THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER!
@HealthRanger Like so much what you do. You have our support and prayers. This is one key tenet that is immutable for me and our family. Jesus is the Way, Truth, and the Light. Meaning that to get to Father, we must come thru the Son. There is no other way. That is so hard for the masses to accept. It was hard to me to come to terms with it in my youthful desire to get along with everyone. But as I get older and wiser, that is most profound understanding I will ever know, Jesus is Lord and is the door to heaven. I want heaven. Everything we do, we pleasure in, accomplish, and accumulate goes to dust. Does not last. However, the soul is forever, so, storing treasures in heaven is the best investment ever to be made. While on this terra firma, we are productive humans, share God's message, reject evil, and show love to others. God bless.
@HealthRanger Please keep the sermons coming!
The Bible tells us that we should correct those who carry out small transgressions with gentleness and compassion, but for those who carry out great transgressions and crimes, they should be strongly and publicly called out and condemned PUBLICLY. Anyone hiding behind the cover of the "church" while pushing #genocide, extermination, mass murder and ethnic cleansing should be loudly, repeatedly and strenuously condemned by all. Doubly so if they claim to be church leaders, for THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER!
@HealthRanger Like so much what you do. You have our support and prayers. This is one key tenet that is immutable for me and our family. Jesus is the Way, Truth, and the Light. Meaning that to get to Father, we must come thru the Son. There is no other way. That is so hard for the masses to accept. It was hard to me to come to terms with it in my youthful desire to get along with everyone. But as I get older and wiser, that is most profound understanding I will ever know, Jesus is Lord and is the door to heaven. I want heaven. Everything we do, we pleasure in, accomplish, and accumulate goes to dust. Does not last. However, the soul is forever, so, storing treasures in heaven is the best investment ever to be made. While on this terra firma, we are productive humans, share God's message, reject evil, and show love to others. God bless.
Correction on the House testimony, now it seems they said EIGHT brass casings were recovered from the area near Crooks. So they are now claiming Crooks fired all 8 rounds (the 3 burst + 5 burst), and that Secret Service took 16 seconds (after the initial round) to respond. So then the question becomes: WHY did they allow Crooks 16 seconds to fire a large number of rounds at Trump without shooting back and stopping him? Why did it take 16 seconds? Clearly the Secret Service counter-sniper team was ordered to WAIT...
Woke morons on the Left: "It's wrong to bomb children to death in Gaza, but it's okay to mutilate them in the name of the trans agenda."
Neocon morons on the Right: "It's wrong to murder babies in the womb, but it's okay to bomb them to death in Gaza."
RFK, Jr: We have to save children from mercury, but not from Israel's bombs.
Trump: Finish the job.
Biden: Mmphrh aaghrshg mrphl.
(2/2) So Biden is now too incompetent to lead America, yet too politically powerful to be forced to step aside, and so Democrats have created their own political Frankenstein, a low-IQ mass of biological tissue bolted together by scripted media lies and a delusional circle of power-hungry politicos who propped up Biden as a shield to protect themselves from accountability. Now, they are tied to the Bidenstein monster at the hip, and Bidenstein is rampaging across the political landscape, destroying down-ticket victory dreams as he thrashed about, while his wife Jill gleefully screams, "You did it, Bidenstein! You answered all the questions!" We are watching a HORROR MOVIE play out in front of us, and the Democrats deserve every loss, every moment of horror, every iota of backlash and every condemnation that can be summoned, because they did all this on purpose to seize power and destroy America. Now the monster they created cannot be destroyed, and it has turned on them. It is a truly glorious thing to witness.
Meanwhile, the Ukraine-flag-waving absolute morons in the U.S. Congress think they can print money to defeat Russia. But America lacks the industrial output to even match Russia's, much less exceed it. Is the plan to air drop pallets of cash onto Russian soldiers, hoping to crush them with fiat currency? When Ukraine is fully defeated -- likely to happen before the end of this year -- there will be zero accountability for all the government waste, the $200+ billion cash that vanishes, the 500,000+ dead Ukrainian men, and the disruption of global trade and food output caused by insane western leaders (like Boris Johnson) gunning for war instead of leading the people to peace and prosperity. You are watching the self-immolation of Western civilization. The collapse of the #dollar isn't far away at this point, and when it collapses and the U.S. empire can't keep funding war provocations across the planet, the world will be far better off.
Today, the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center Data Science Division is announcing the free release of two new AI Large Language Models, available now at no cost at Brighteon.AI.
The two new models are:
Neo-Phi-2-E3-1-7B-V0-1-1-Q8-Apr-24 - Based on Microsoft's Phi-2 1.7 billion parameter model, we have conducted 3 epochs of training on a very large data set (see below), vastly improving the model's score on our "LLM Reality Check" scoring system which consists of 100 questions covering medicine, science, history, nutrition, finance and more. Phi-2 scores 54 points out of 100 as the base model. After our training, we improved the score to 79 points out of 100. This is a very fast, computationally-efficient model that is suitable for smaller computers or even laptops.
Neo-Dolphin-Mistral-7B-E3-V0-1-1-Q8-Apr-24 - Based on Mistral's 7 billion parameter model, modified into "uncensored" behavior by Eric Hartford, we applied 3 epochs of additional training on our procured data set. Because this is a much larger model, the training has not yet achieved the level of saturation that we are aiming for. We do not yet have a score on this model's output, but it won't be impressive yet. More training is needed (and is being pursued).
It would be curious if this is true, 288K tonnes of gold owned / stolen by the US as WWII concludes. Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave eBook : Seagrave, Sterling, Seagrave, Peggy: Kindle Store I have heard that it could be on the record in court case(s). If you want further information on this maybe Bix Weir from can help. I believe I heard him say he researched this.

Helpful information about the conspiracy and manipulation side of the gold, silver and financial markets. Newsletter and resources. Thank you.
It would be curious if this is true, 288K tonnes of gold owned / stolen by the US as WWII concludes. Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave eBook : Seagrave, Sterling, Seagrave, Peggy: Kindle Store I have heard that it could be on the record in court case(s). If you want further information on this maybe Bix Weir from can help. I believe I heard him say he researched this.

Helpful information about the conspiracy and manipulation side of the gold, silver and financial markets. Newsletter and resources.
Christian Post journalist Brandon Showalter appeared on The John-Henry Westen Show recently to discuss the transgender takeover of America. According to Showalter, his first encounter with the world of… I wouldn't say 'ALL' LBGT+ are from the pit of hell. Some are actually very nice people. If it weren't for a gay man back in the 80s I probably wouldn't be here. I knew several gay men back then, and I highly doubt many of them would support the disgusting behavior being done today towards kids. Sadly, most of them are dead now (including my friend). They were diagnosed with AIDS and started the treatment which is what actually killed them. I had lost touch with them prior to their deaths.
Point is, I believe many are not evil in the way they treat others, but their lifestyle choice is. That is between them and God.
@NaturalNews Yes, that is something that we must content with. The founding fathers spoke about this in their writings, in their truest Christian convictions.
Ppl that support that lifestyle are indeed funding and being absorbed by a satanic cult. Unwittingly, some just want to feel the extreme victim-hood and want that feeling of 'safe', even if that is 1% of the population is trying to destroy the rights of the majority of traditional families to get their agenda pushed and meet their immediate confused emotional need of the hour. Those false emotions betray the homosexual. Mental and emotional illness metastasizes and consumes them with no relief. Jesus Christ is the answer.
@NaturalNews This is like saying, "I'm not a racist, some of my best friends are black." Well, I'm totally against the movement of LGBT whatever because it has taken over the country. I don't care if someone wants to have sex with a same sex partner, just don't force me to say it's OK. According to the Bible it's not OK and people who do it have issues that are just between them and God. LGBT, trans and drag queens are disgusting, and I ignore the whole thing. Don't drag me, or my kid, or my vote into this. Explain it to God.
It's no longer a question of whether the U.S. is being systematically invaded by millions of #illegals from across the world, including China, Syria, Iraq and Iran. The real question is: What are their INTENTIONS inside the USA? According to many of the sources I've interviewed, both publicly and privately, there is a sub-group of illegals who are active combatants who are awaiting "activation" orders to carry out total mayhem across the USA by targeting infrastructure: Power substations, refineries, ports, bridges, police stations, telecom infrastructure, pipelines and more. I call this day, "Activation Day." Some sources think it will happen before the election to try to halt it, and others think it will be saved to happen AFTER the election, in case Trump wins, so that America can be brought down under Trump's watch. We don't know the timing, but we have a very good idea what the enemies of America are planning. The plan is for CHAOS. Domestic battlefield ops. Actually, "letting" Trump win (by simply not cheating as much as usual, by the Dems) may be the real plan so they can unleash this domestic #terrorism wave. Either way, get prepared, stay informed and be ready for the unexpected.
Just as they planned, #Iran used mostly cheap, low-cost drones and missiles to force #Israel to spend over $1 billion, launching volleys of multi-million dollar anti-air defense munitions to shoot down the incoming drones. This first wave was designed to help deplete Israel's munitions supply, stressing the supply chain of U.S.-supplies munitions. Iran can rapidly produce thousands of low-cost drones, but Israel cannot easily replace these wildly expensive "Iron Dome" or "David's Sling" munitions, some of which cost millions each. So this is a losing exchange for Israel. The fact that Israel claims it shot down "99%" of incoming drones and missiles is NOT a win for Israel. It's a win for Iran. BTW, Israel also can't do math because it admits 7 hypersonic missiles got through, so that means Israel didn't shoot down 99% after all. See my full analysis from last night:

The following are important highlights about the current escalation in the Middle East. This is actually the outline I wrote for my emergency podcast, which will be published at the HR Report channel on…
www.naturalnews.comThose who think the Baltimore "Key" bridge will be rebuilt in the next ten years are kidding themselves. There won't be a U.S. dollar at anything near its current value in the year 2034. The "United" States of America will no longer be the same country it is today. There will be no money, no expertise, no capable leaders in Baltimore and no competent engineers to achieve such a project. The "Key" bridge is history. So is Baltimore itself. So is nearly every East Coast city. We have entered the chapter of societal collapse. Prepare accordingly.