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Computer Science, TacMed, healthy living, Tac Training
Member since Sep 2020
https://www.newswars.com/the-only-thing-they-are-good-at-is-stealing-elections-trump-calls-out-fascist-left-in-iowa-address/ That you set up via convid in 20 that’s pernament

‘The Only Thing They are Good At Is Stealing Elections’ – Trump Calls Out Fascist Left In Iowa Address
Watch and share this epic speech!
NewsWars@Jleimer ....on a related note, when asked if a man could become a woman he refused to directly answer with the truth.
@GodIsTruth @Jleimer The love of the heathen sodomites to be converted to accept the Messiah, of the Jews and Gentiles, requires more than any man can achieve alone.