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- Artist
- Pro Illustrator
Alternative health advocate, professional gardener and artist
- Artist
- Pro Illustrator
Alternative health advocate, professional gardener and artist
US Navy Medic Shut Down for Releasing Unclassified DOD Data Showing a 937% Increase in Heart Failure Among Vaccinated US Military Personnel

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Global Research@xprodigiesxv i find its widespread. I have suffered 2 x from spike protien overload. It has caused various health issues that go unrecognized because many people do not understand shedding. The planners of this extermination event knew people would shed.
The secondary illnesses vary widely and are long term in many cases. Those who were forced to get jabbed or lose their jobs are very resentful towards those who chose otherwise.
The end results are folks like myself refuse to go to dentists, medical docs offices, no er . Therefore we have to become trained in first aid and alternative medicine.
@xprodigiesxv For anyone reading this when you use essential oils as a rule of safety you should dilute your oils 1 drop to a tbsp of carrier oil no more then 5 drops.. Place a drop of that miix
on the back of your hand WAIT 24 hrs. If you get a headache its too strong. Dilute with another tsp of carrier. If you get a rash throw out the product. Its to strong to use.
Over use of any oil can cause issues.
Never ingest oils without supervision ajd only 3 drops a day for 3 days. Those drops must be separated out one morning noon and evening.
Your liver seperates the oils from water. Then your kidneys do the same. Too much will cause damage.
The actual best practice is inhalation. You can still get a headache. But your less likey to have damage occur.
@xprodigiesxv EEdwardsinc. Has excellent oils. Great service. Not sure if Naturally Australian in CA is still in business. Excellent wholesale pricing and service. Got me a litre of Blue Yarrow. Comes from an area between Turkey and Hungary. I had hunted that oil for 7 yrs. I have as a result a beautiful rich flower eo.
YEA FOR OUR TRUCKERS. Be aware the nyc is actually shipping illegals back home. On our dollars of course. It would be cool if they did this where all the illegals are at. Theybin more places then you realize.
@xprodigiesxv I am a victim of shedding. Fortunately I am 23+ yrs in natural health. Its also in the air, and water. Some days I can actually see and feel it.
Flowed Mike for 20 yrs now.
To Mike Adams ; I have been a viewer for going back to fb days. You have created a great set up.
I am an illustrator and wondered if there was a way to have a podcast to show my work and communicate with folks?
Thank you for what have done and continue to do. Keep it up!
Thank you
Judy Leroux