Forwarding "study" materials on the Tanakh or Tanach Ezekial {timing} . I am a thumb typist and very clumsy with all the pop ups on the internet. 7th try on Israel, This reference is not necessarily my position(s) and space limited here. Note that different spellings abound and probably not consistent here.
However, I might caution that these are interpretations of Hebrew resources especially in the Tanach Bible. Alternate Christian sources may include the New Testament, visions of Daniel, and different thoughts from a different schema. { schema == play theme == storyline }
Yechezkel - Ezekiel - Chapter 37 - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible (
Yechezkel - Ezekiel - Chapter 38 - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible (
The Complete Tanakh (Tanach) - Hebrew Bible - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible (