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To all conservative and pro-liberty influencers: Don't you dare talk about #FREEDOM ever again if you won't support freedom for the Palestinian people. If you don't support freedom for others, you don't deserve it for yourself. And for those who have long claimed to be supporters of “free speech” but who now demand censorship of all criticism of #Israel, you are a FRAUD. You never believed in free speech in the first place.
I need a vacation from caring. So angry about everything, the lies, the world, humanity, myself. I feel like I'm processing all the heavy stuff that's floating in the collective. It doesn't even feel like mine. Maybe my psyche is just too fragile to handle the corse reality, but I guess I'll have to stick around for now, just to see how all of this unfolds.
Situation Update, Nov 29, 2022 - Why America's next civil war begins in ARIZONA
- Katie Hobbs is being "installed" in another stolen election
- Globalists need control of Arizona for coming staged PANDEMIC
- Under the guise of public health, political dissidents will be exterminated
- Democrats are waiting for Biden's signing of the WHO pandemic treaty
- Once signed, the treaty overrides all state, city and county powers
- A massive pandemic will be staged, possibly with chemical weapons
- Once unleashed, the WHO will invoke medical dictatorship powers
- Americans will be ordered into isolation camps and mandatory vaccines
- The emergency will NEVER END because it will always grant power to the corrupt
- How to survive the engineered emergency - have OFF GRID everything
- They will create a financial emergency to shove you into a digital currency trap
OK sheep! Just let them murder your children. They are already slaughtering the millennials.
Does anybody understand what happens when you kill off two generations IN A ROW? This is the end of the US as we know it.
Deagle still says we will lose 300,000,000 by 2025. The last number I saw was there would only be 9 MILLION Americans left.
Watch something with Karen Kingston on it. She knows more than anybody right now. This affects unvaxxed too! The shedding spreads the murder weapon. Dr Carrie Madej tried to tell us and they almost killed her.
I have a bombshell interview coming out Wed. morning. It's with Dr. Francis Boyle, who has just reviewed the WHO pandemic treaty that's slated for finalization in early 2023. Turns out the treaty would place the WHO in total control over all doctors, hospitals, drug companies, and media across America, granting the WHO the power to force vaccinations, quarantines and censorship on all Americans, at any time, for any reason.
This is a bombshell interview about a truly frightening development that's about to be signed by Joe Biden in early 2023...
Trump released the most dangerous Bio-weapon on the world in world history and it's going to kill your children!! And you still want him back!! What does it take to wake people up? To have their children die in their arms!!
President Kennedy’s Assassination Was a Zionist Coup

by LAURENT GUYÉNOT via Unz Review Zionist crocodile’s tears “Jack said it to me sometimes. He said, ‘Oh, God, can you ever imagine what would happen to the country if Lyndon was president.’” (Jacqu…
The Biden family will be investigated for the following violations:
Conspiracy or defrauding the United States
Wire fraud
Conspiracy to commit wire fraud
Violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act
Violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Violations of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000
Tax evasion
Money laundering
Conspiracy to commit money laundering
Alex Jones Called "Bill" THREE Times Live on Air. Bill Hicks Never Died
Another person Mike speaks highly of!! What's going on?? Does Mike not know this? Does it even matter?? Better wake up people the coffee is burning!!
SHOW NOTICE: I'm joining Owen Shroyer at 4:30 central today on (coming right up) and also hosting one hour of the Sunday show from 7 pm - 8 pm central this evening. My guest will be John Perez (SilverIsMoney) with BOMBSHELL news about the crypto carnage that's spreading.
You can watch the shows at or in real time, or catch them after the fact at Going to be an interesting evening of discussions for sure!
Got an e-mail from H&R Block who did taxes for me last year. $1000 dollar line of credit, no W-2 needed, decision in 30min or less. Apply 15th November. This might be the whitehats throwing a life line to starving patriots like myself until QFS attains momentum.
Michael Barone:
DeSantis carried 62 of 67 counties and won 16% from black people. He carried Hispanics 52%-45%. He carried majority-Hispanic Miami-Dade County 55%-44% — the first Republican governor to win there since Jeb Bush in 2002. He also carried heavily Jewish Palm Beach County, the first Republican governor to win there since 1986. He carried majority-Hispanic Osceola County, which includes part of Disney World, 53%-46%.
DeSantis won majorities from women, as well as men, from all age groups, from all income groups, and from every religious group except Jews (he got only 42%) and those with no religion (only 40%). Overall, the DeSantis victory looks like the model for the durable national Republican majority that neither George W. Bush nor Trump was able to deliver.

A couple days ago I posted this chart showing the partisan split by education, which liberals like to talk about—see, Republicans are stupid and Democrats are smart, because we went to kollege! Especially…
Power LineOff topic question. Does anyone know if this is true. The EMF from DC is pretty much safe VS the EMF from AC? Let's say a power wheels car is emitting 100 milligaus of EMF at the peak. Would that be considered safe since it's running on DC. There are countless studies showing the harmful effects of EMF I'm not questioning that, just the differences on the body of DC VS AC, thank you.
Tulsi Gabbard: 2A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing??
Situation Update, Oct 27, 2022 - Americans are SKIPPING MEALS because they can't afford food
- Why ORGANIC certification does not involve any tests for heavy metals or pesticides
- Germany tearing down a WIND FARM to build a COAL MINE
- Ye finds out that the "Jewish card" out-plays the "Black card" in social hierarchy
- Banana molecule beats covid-19
- Ben Shapiro finally admits he was TRICKED about vaccine effectiveness
- Pine-Sol cleaning products contaminated with bacteria
- How to make your own cleaning products for pennis
- The five steps of awakening to the truth about vaccines
- Intel update on the supply chain for satellite phones and comms
- Civil unrest growing in Germany
- More Americans are SKIPPING MEALS because they can't afford groceries
- Diesel supplier issues CODE RED alert as diesel runs out across southeast
Heads up: Monkey Werx says deep state is planning on arresting Trump soon, and that US military personnel are being positioned across the country to crush any uprising... developing ... perhaps the Trump arrest is the pre-mid-term event they plan to use to cause the country to erupt...