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Ty and Charlene are Christians, health freedom advocates, and filmmakers creating world-class health documentaries, helping you to be the best you of your life! Join the movement and be a part of our community right here on Facebook.
Ty and Charlene are Christians, health freedom advocates, and filmmakers creating world-class health documentaries, helping you to be the best you of your life! Join the movement and be a part of our community right here on Facebook.
What about Polio? Was the polio vaccine EFFECTIVE at eradicating polio? Is it POSSIBLE that many cases of “POLIO” were actually DDT poisoning? Learn the TRUTH in this eye-opening video!
We get bombarded by a big push from the media, hospitals, our kid’s schools… It seems like everyone around us is telling us that we need to get a flu shot. But are they effective? Are they safe? Learn more here.
#TheTruthAboutVaccines #flushot #fluvaccine #thetruth #educate #health

Advertisements are everywhere and you may be asking yourself, "Should I get a flu shot this year?" Be sure to read this before making your decision.
tinyurl.comWatch now to discover how fermented foods can prevent heart disease, metabolic syndrome, reduce inflammation throughout your body, and more.
#healthyfood #nutrition #healthips #fermentedfoods #TheTruthAboutVaccines
Did you know tomatoes are legendary cancer-fighters?
Watch now to discover the health benefits of tomatoes. PLUS, we'll bust the myths about nightshades and teach you how tomatoes are your best friend when it comes to reducing inflammation.
#healthbenefits #healthyfood #TheTruthAboutVaccines #nutrition #naturalremedies #health @thetruthaboutcancer
In part 2 of this inflammation series, we explore foods that cause inflammation and food & lifestyle factors that can reduce #inflammation in the body for a disease-free life.
Check this out!
#TheTruthAboutVaccines #healthyliving #nutrition #health #healthbenefits

Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the Nov 2015 edition of TTAC’s Heroes Against Cancer member newsletter. As I discussed at great length in Part 1 of this two-part series, chronic inflammation…
tinyurl.comOur friends at PuraTHRIVE are generously offering the #TTAV community up to 45% OFF one of our favorite nutritional “dynamic duos.”
Learn why these #supplements are essential, PLUS get your 45% OFF discount (expires TONIGHT)!
Just like pediatricians, most #veterinarians that #vaccinate cats and dogs mean well, but don't know of the underlying dangers of #pet #vaccinations. Read on to learn of the truth about pet #vaccines.
#TTAV #pets #healthypets #TheTruthAboutVaccines #pethealth #petvaccines

Thanks to documentaries such as The Truth About Vaccines and lots of public debate, more people are becoming aware of the importance of vaccine safety when it comes to vaccinating themselves and their…
tinyurl.comJust because you're on a #keto eating plan, it doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice your sweet tooth.
Here are the healthiest sweeteners for a Ketogenic Diet!

Editor's note: This post was originally published in May 2017. It has been updated and republished in January 2019. Almost all of us love sweet foods and an occasional dessert. Unfortunately, sugar and…
tinyurl.comCheck out Charlene’s article to discover the top 5 reasons why watercress is a health-boosting superstar!
#TheTruthAboutVaccines #watercress #holisticnutrition #healthyeating #nutrition #health #naturalremedies #healthbenefits @thetruthaboutcancer

Nasturtium officinale, or watercress, is one of the oldest leafy vegetables known to mankind. This ancient veggie is found in freshwater aquatic environments and is commonly used as a garnish. But there’s…
tinyurl.comTestosterone is the fundamental life force that makes a man a man & the driving energy that keeps men fit, strong & virile.
There are many factors that can interfere with the natural testosterone production process. Learn more!
#TheTruthAboutVaccines #naturaltestosterone #naturalhealth #menshealth #healthyliving #health @thetruthaboutcancer

You may not know this about me, but I used to be a former competitive bodybuilder. During that chapter in my life I spent quite a lot of my time either in the gym pumping iron or in the kitchen prepping…
tinyurl.comNo other developed country administers as many vaccine doses in the first 2 years of life as the U.S. & the truth is that the infant mortality rates are quite high in the U.S. compared to other industrialized countries. Coincidence?
#TTAV #health #truth #research #educate #TheTruthAboutVaccines #vaccine #vaccines #ChildrensHealth #VaccineResearch #VaccineTruth
Your body’s primary line of defense against toxins is the liver, which is why we need powerful, liver-protective herbs like milk thistle in our lives. Learn more!
#TheTruthAboutVaccines #milkthistle #naturalhealth #NaturalRemedies #HealthBenefits #health
Ladies, this video is for you! Breast cancer prevention is most effective when you start as early as possible.
Watch the video to learn some useful tips on how to prevent breast cancer if you're in your 30s.
#CancerPrevention #BreastCancer #TTAC #TheTruthAboutCancer #WomensHealth #TTAV #TheTruthAboutVaccines
This is a war against humanity. It should be a choice and not forced on anyone. We must share the truth about vaccines with others and stand together for our fundamental freedoms.
#TTAV #medicalfreedom #truth #freedom #vaccine #vaccines #health #TheTruthAboutVaccines
But in the past few decades, organized medicine has seen these as marketing opportunities, to build this enormous vaccine industry that we see today.
#TTAV #BigPharma #truth #healthfreedom #vaccineindustry #vaccine #TheTruthAboutVaccines #mandatoryvaccinations #forcedvaccinations