30,000 hr plot,sailor, writer.
The books of Robert J. Firth. www.robert-j-firth.com
I completed rereading DEATH WAS MY CO PILOT It's so well written it brings back so many memories and reading it the second time was as enjoyable as the first time. You are a super writer.
All of your books make you even immortal in this world. Heaven is next and they will all know your works there too. Loved the whole book, and especially the chapter on The Philosophers view of live/death over the ages. I really envy how you can create so many books of great substance, clarity and direct messages.,
You write with clarity and direct simplicity. Hemingway would be envious.
Buy any one of these books and you will be buying another...I promise!
no wonder, highly enjoyable word style...sharp a razors contents..... no smoke and mirrors
Dear Robert Firth.
You have enriched my life so much with your messages and the few books I've purchased from you. .