30,000 hr plot,sailor, writer.
PANDEMIC The incredibly sad and tragic events of 2020 as concerns the bio weapon as an act of war by the Chinese communist party against the United States and the rest of the world. We speak to the power-crazed, lefty, genocidal government reactions and the aftermath; 200 million dead Americans! We tell the story as adventure novel through fictional characters and unfortunately, as events have shown, an all too believable, (real) plot. Our story exposes the facts wrapped in an exciting narrative told by the survivors. The story begins, as it did in reality, in China and moves, as did the phony virus and the killer vax across the world. China and the globalist murderers used the Wuhan Flu as a "bio-terror weapon" purposely attacking the world in a well-thought out plan for world domination, human depopulation and domination. We expose all those real life figures associated with the virus and killer vax as well as introduce various fictional characters to provide context and carry the story line. A very exciting ride.. Robert J. Firth www.robert-j-firth.com