30,000 hr plot,sailor, writer.
FICTION ADVENTURE. Artificial Intelligence, meaning a computer that can think for itself is a for too real possibility. You had best hope it never materializes. The Godless Chinese commies have no moral reluctance to do anything as long as it furthers their goal for world domination. They clone humans, and scarf down anything that moves or, in the case of birds nests, doesn't move. They have massive concentration camps, they sell prisoner organs on world markets, they torture they murder and they don't give a flying fuck what you or anyone says or thinks.
Once these machines become self-aware, and can pass the Touring Test; meaning you can converse with "it" through a curtain and not tell that your talking to a machine, then Katie bar the door.. If these machines can self-replicate, control factories of 3D printing machines and are put in charge of utilities and other functions- what happens if they figure out that they don't need us and, in fact, don't particularly like us? www.robert-j-firth.com