30,000 hr plot,sailor, writer.
HEAVEN, and Heaven, one's a drug and the other's a small New England town. As a book, HEAVEN is the story of a highly unusual and highly intelligent woman who becomes a scientist and then becomes wealthier than anyone in the entire world. Our heroine is a Miss Mary Blimpus who, as a scientist, invents some very powerful drugs and uses them to change people and later, she saves the world.
Parts of the story turn out to be funny in the sense that some of the characters we describe are so weird you have to smile. Some of the situations that develop are hilarious in a bizarre and even insane way. To say some of the characters are eccentric would be an understatement, some are just plain nuts!
The question my readers are left with is; are any of these people real? Did any of this actually happen? Could it happen? The answer is "maybe!" Behind most strange stories there's often a kernel of truth, maybe there is a real person like Mary Blimpus? Possibly, you should hope so, we all should!