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30,000 hr plot,sailor, writer.
30,000 hr plot,sailor, writer.
DEATH WAS MY CO-PILOT, SINGLE ENGINE, SINGLE PILOT, VIETNAM Non-Fiction, Personal History, In 1966, I climbed out of the big jet into a steamy colonial oriental town built by the French using thousands of Vietnamese workers. The air, putrid, rotten cabbage mixed with dead fish. You could taste the disintegrating organic material. Nothing seemed real. I was with a group of young, and not so young, trainees the company called FNG's ('fucking new guys'). We were all competent pilots with considerable experience. For the past few weeks, we had been in training for something completely different from anything any of us had ever done. We were hired by a mysterious Government contractor, the Central Intelligence Agency, to fly in Vietnam where most of the population wanted us dead. The company was called Air America. Back then, few of us ever heard of it. Maybe, had we known, more of us might still be alive!
I've read many of Firth's great books and find him to be one of the very best writers of our time. He treats history very differently, posing never before asked questions and providing the research to support his findings. Firth's adventure novels cover a wide area such as assassination, artificial intelligence, Chinese attack on America, WW III and a very funny/serious story about a genius botanist who ends up saving humanity..
I completed rereading DEATH WAS MY CO PILOT It's so well written it brings back so many memories and reading it the second time was as enjoyable as the first time. You are a super writer.
All of your books make you even immortal in this world. Heaven is next and they will all know your works there too. Loved the whole book, and especially the chapter on The Philosophers view of live/death over the ages.
I really envy how you can create so many books of great substance, clarity and direct messages.,
Buy any one of these books and you will be buying another...I promise!
Reply •
highly enjoyable word a razors contents..... no smoke and mirrors
Dear Robert Firth.
You have e
Robert, your writing is suburb, Hemingway would be jealous. Your clarity and the depth of research in your historical works is most appreciated.
FICTION ADVENTURE. Artificial Intelligence, meaning a computer that can think for itself is a for too real possibility. You had best hope it never materializes. The Godless Chinese commies have no moral reluctance to do anything as long as it furthers their goal for world domination. They clone humans, and scarf down anything that moves or, in the case of birds nests, doesn't move. They have massive concentration camps, they sell prisoner organs on world markets, they torture they murder and they don't give a flying fuck what you or anyone says or thinks.
Once these machines become self-aware, and can pass the Touring Test; meaning you can converse with "it" through a curtain and not tell that your talking to a machine, then Katie bar the door.. If these machines can self-replicate, control factories of 3D printing machines and are put in charge of utilities and other functions- what happens if they figure out that they don't need us and, in fact, don't particularly like us?
The biggest airline in the entire world is run by bean counters and paper-pushers. Believe it or not, not one member of the board knows how to fly or fix them!!! No wonder nothing works!!! Probably they all took the juice!!!! Actually, it's funny, same at Boeing and other carriers by the way.
Ck for yourself!
WW-III, a great story. SpaceX plans to send people to Mars. A one-way flight to a barren, waterless and lifeless desert. Already, hundreds have signed up. A far better planet is discovered. WW III starts right after blast off. Eight hundred years later the descendants return. What and who do they find? Readers say the book is all too possible and enormously interesting. Ck it at.
PANDEMIC The incredibly sad and tragic events of 2020 as concerns the bio weapon as an act of war by the Chinese communist party against the United States and the rest of the world. We speak to the power-crazed, lefty, genocidal government reactions and the aftermath; 200 million dead Americans! We tell the story as adventure novel through fictional characters and unfortunately, as events have shown, an all too believable, (real) plot. Our story exposes the facts wrapped in an exciting narrative told by the survivors. The story begins, as it did in reality, in China and moves, as did the phony virus and the killer vax across the world. China and the globalist murderers used the Wuhan Flu as a "bio-terror weapon" purposely attacking the world in a well-thought out plan for world domination, human depopulation and domination. We expose all those real life figures associated with the virus and killer vax as well as introduce various fictional characters to provide context and carry the story line. A very exciting ride.. Robert J. Firth
The books of Robert J. Firth.
I completed rereading DEATH WAS MY CO PILOT It's so well written it brings back so many memories and reading it the second time was as enjoyable as the first time. You are a super writer.
All of your books make you even immortal in this world. Heaven is next and they will all know your works there too. Loved the whole book, and especially the chapter on The Philosophers view of live/death over the ages. I really envy how you can create so many books of great substance, clarity and direct messages.,
You write with clarity and direct simplicity. Hemingway would be envious.
Buy any one of these books and you will be buying another...I promise!
no wonder, highly enjoyable word a razors contents..... no smoke and mirrors
Dear Robert Firth.
You have enriched my life so much with your messages and the few books I've purchased from you. .
PANDEMIC The incredibly sad and tragic events of 2020 as concerns the bio weapon as an act of war by the Chinese communist party against the United States and the rest of the world. We speak to the power-crazed, lefty, genocidal government reactions and the aftermath; 200 million dead Americans! We tell the story as adventure novel through fictional characters and unfortunately, as events have shown, an all too believable, (real) plot. Our story exposes the facts wrapped in an exciting narrative told by the survivors. The story begins, as it did in reality, in China and moves, as did the phony virus and the killer vax across the world. China and the globalist murderers used the Wuhan Flu as a "bio-terror weapon" purposely attacking the world in a well-thought out plan for world domination, human depopulation and domination. We expose all those real life figures associated with the virus and killer vax as well as introduce various fictional characters to provide context and carry the story line. A very exciting ride.. Robert J. Firth
The story of Satan's victory over America beginning in the 1960's. 70% of all demoRATS are atheists and many purely satanic. Half of all Americans have never been in a church, of course they are all easy prey for evil. .Woodstock, Vietnam, the draft, drugs, crime, the 2020 stolen and rigged election and then begins the real destruction. A book worth reading and worth passing on.
The questions we ponder as to the rectitude and common sense of humanity vs the disintegration of logic and the descent into madness ( like what we all saw last night) and suicidal destruction is presented and discussed in the attached book.
Robert J. Firth
Amazon has it in print
In 2022, Russia, for no justifiable or coherent reason, invaded Ukraine waging total war on what had been a peaceful very European small country of 40 million. The Ukrainian people fought tenaciously surprising the massive Russian forces. The EU and the US began supplying weapons and training. Russia was losing,
both the war and international support.
The Russian leader, in desperation, and as he had threatened, finally resorted to using a tactical nuke. In response, NATO aircraft flew into the Ukraine shooting down every Russian helicopter and aircraft they found as well as bombing the living hell out of Russian forces. Russia immediately declared war against the NATO countries and the United States, that same day, declared war against Russia.
Meanwhile, Elon Musk, the CEO at SpaceX, had built a large interplanetary ship and was readying it for a voyage to a distant planet with 450 young volunteers from the US and UK. They knew this to be a one way trip and had signed up anyway. A few days before Russia deployed the tactical nuclear weapon the great ship lifted off
perfectly and was on its way for what was to be a 5 year trip.
Robert J. Firth,
HEAVEN, and Heaven, one's a drug and the other's a small New England town. As a book, HEAVEN is the story of a highly unusual and highly intelligent woman who becomes a scientist and then becomes wealthier than anyone in the entire world. Our heroine is a Miss Mary Blimpus who, as a scientist, invents some very powerful drugs and uses them to change people and later, she saves the world.
Parts of the story turn out to be funny in the sense that some of the characters we describe are so weird you have to smile. Some of the situations that develop are hilarious in a bizarre and even insane way. To say some of the characters are eccentric would be an understatement, some are just plain nuts!
The question my readers are left with is; are any of these people real? Did any of this actually happen? Could it happen? The answer is "maybe!" Behind most strange stories there's often a kernel of truth, maybe there is a real person like Mary Blimpus? Possibly, you should hope so, we all should!
HEAVEN, and Heaven, one's a drug and the other's a small New England town. As a book, HEAVEN is the story of a highly unusual and highly intelligent woman who becomes a scientist and then becomes wealthier than anyone in the entire world. Our heroine is a Miss Mary Blimpus who, as a scientist, invents some very powerful drugs and uses them to change people and later, she saves the world.
Parts of the story turn out to be funny in the sense that some of the characters we describe are so weird you have to smile. Some of the situations that develop are kind of hilarious in a bizarre and even insane way. To say some of the characters are eccentric would be an understatement, some are just plain nuts!
The question my readers are left with is; are any of these people real? Did any of this actually happen? Could it happen? The answer is "maybe!" Behind most strange stories there's often a kernel of truth, maybe there is a real person like Mary Blimpus? Possibly, you should hope so, we all should!
1. Allow a deposit of $________into administrators account
2. Enter the markets at (time)_________
3. Find X number of stocks that sell for between $___ to $____
4. Find those that have increased for ____ days with no decrease
5. Divide the funds on deposit evenly into each of the _______ stocks
6. Sell any that decrease by $______
7. Invest the proceeds into the remaining stock increasing the most
8. Sell all ____ minutes before close and return the proceeds into the account;
9. Sent a text with account balance to ( phone number)
10. Repeat all above on the next trading day
Let me know if you know,,, thanks,
Robert's rules of secrets:
1) a secret is something only ONE person knows.
2) The bigger the secret the faster it's not.
3) The more you tell people to keep quiet the faster they won't.
4) There are NO secrets!
5) The value of a secret is what someone will pay for it.
Source: CIA indoc!
The story of Satan's victory over America beginning in the 1960's. 70% of all demoRATS are atheists and many purely satanic. Half of all Americans have never been in a church, of course they are all easy prey for evil. .Woodstock, Vietnam, the draft, drugs, crime, the 2020 stolen and rigged election and then begins the real destruction. A book worth reading and worth passing on.
DEATH, TERROR, FEAR, COURAGE, WASTE! Non-Fiction, Personal History, In 1966, I climbed out of the big jet into a steamy colonial oriental town built by the French using thousands of Vietnamese workers. The air, putrid, rotten cabbage mixed with dead fish. You could taste the disintegrating organic material. Nothing seemed real. I was with a group of young, and not so young, trainees the company called FNG's ('fucking new guys'). We were all competent pilots with considerable experience. For the past few weeks, we had been in training for something completely different from anything any of us had ever done. We were hired by a mysterious Government contractor, the Central Intelligence Agency, to fly in Vietnam where most of the population wanted us dead. The company was called Air America. Back then, I guarantee, none of us ever heard of it. Maybe, had we known, many of us might still be alive!
ARE WE COMPLETELY CRAZY an important book by Robert J. Firth
The dictionary defines crazy as mentally deranged, demented, insane, senseless; impractical and totally unsound. The question we ask in this book is- are we an insane and doomed species? That question has tormented those of us who consider such for centuries. The question keeps coming up like the proverbial message in the dark ball that floats into view answering everyman's questions. Looking at the quantity of wealth and intelligence expended in the 'business' of killing compared to those same qualities expended in saving lives and making the world a better place. I mean here in terms of human input, comparing physicians, medical professionals, artists, musicians, builders and designers; those who make our world a better place- contrasted against those who have dedicated their lives toward designing and, building bombs, tanks, bio-weapons, WMDs including those who dedicate themselves to using these weapons.